Good to see you back and jumping right into a challenge.
So, first of all sorry for not posting for a long time (I think it must have been a year) but my interest in mapping seems to be tidal and so sometimes it's on and then it's off again. But I didn't want miss this challenge since these are exactly the maps I love. I could sit hours abouve Atlases and study the maps in there just to see how this city is named and where this road goes to. And how beautiful the colours are selected. And this is my approach here, I want to take a piece of land I created in an earlier map (I wasn't very satisfied with it and then I abbandoned the project) and fill it with live. And I want to play with colours and linestyles to make it look good.
To give an overlook first the map I used to fill (with some borders in it drawn for the competition), and then the first three countys I worked out.
Last edited by Zar Peter; 05-25-2011 at 07:58 AM.
Avatar by courtesy of Castaras from the GiantitP-Forums
Good to see you back and jumping right into a challenge.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
First update: I remade the coast line and the rivers and finished my first county. This is about the way it should look, there will be a legend of course and somewhere I have to put in a title line.
My goal is to do something like a school atlas, political map.
*** Latest WIP ***
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Well, I think I'm done. I'm quite happy with the look although of course there could be much more labelling done. But not enough time left.
### LATEST WIP ###
Last edited by Ascension; 05-20-2011 at 09:25 PM.
Avatar by courtesy of Castaras from the GiantitP-Forums
I fixed up your wip tag, needs 3 of those pound marks then a space then latest wip then space then 3 pound marks. You had 3 asterisks, minor thing, no big. Looks like a good political map.
If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
-J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)
My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps
Nice. I did spot one error in the legend: "Captial of the Republic" should, of course, be "Capital of the Republic".
Avatar by courtesy of Castaras from the GiantitP-Forums
Ok, fixed the Capital and resized the thing. Thanks for the wip tag, Ascension.
### LATEST WIP ###
Avatar by courtesy of Castaras from the GiantitP-Forums
The only thing that I think it might need is some sort of border to tidy it all up and keep the eye inside the frame. Otherwise, pretty cool.
If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
-J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)
My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps
Border... right. I gave it a try and I think it's even not very bad. Thanks for the remark.
### LATEST WIP ###
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