Any advise on some swamp textures?
Some of you may have seen my Deepshadows map I posted a while back, well this is the world it is set in. Probably about 1/2 done with the landscaping then adding the political points and what not.
Please let me know what you think and any suggestions.
Any advise on some swamp textures?
Ok this is another update. Added the glaciers, worked on the mountains and added some color to where the swamps will be. A couple of the mountain ranges still need some work, the southern range needs to pop more since they are the highest range and so forth.
Hi guy.
some questions:
Is this a realm or a entire world?
This center area with a "L" format, is this a desert?
Excuse me, do not bother, but a "kingdom" should not have all sort of adversity. That's one thing for the whole world and not just a part of it. Places differ from each other and this gives life to the things OK??
Kind of pretty. The only thing that is sticking out is that desert in the middle. It looks like there is a huge swath of desert in the middle of a rainforest. Most deserts look like they are surrounded by some light low green area before hitting any major growth.
Yeah the desert is one of the things to work on later, just did a quick yellow background to mark the boundaries. The L shaped depression is a collapsed area after a magical cataclysm.
This is a chunk of an entire world, the area we are campaigning in at the moment.
I think the Coasts ended a bit abrupt, perhaps you can smooth it up with some colors?
Some more color work, the desert is coming along better and fixed some mountain colors as well.
The coast is pretty raw at this point will get to that this week I hope
This looks really good!
The L shaped cataclysmic desert definitely has a look of being sunken or stamped. Very cool! The map is coming along very well.