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Thread: A map in progress

  1. #1

    Post A map in progress

    Pict-058.pngAttached is a map i am working on(obviously) I am using PS CS2
    I scanned in a quick sketch and proceeded to color it I am considering adding some textures but........

    1. not sure if it works well with the sketchy style of the map
    2. I am not sure how you guys do that difference cloud texture thing in PS


  2. #2


    Rendering clouds:

    "clouds" are a somewhat irregular pattern of splotches across the range of colours in your foreground and background selections. Very often it is worth it to only render b&w clouds because it makes tinting them easier later.

    In CS2 go up to Filter>Render>Clouds. It will fill the current layer. Its far from perfect. The clouds tend to have regularities to them. Very big canvasses often produce clouds with a whole bunch of little puffs rather than large ones. The trick in this case is to fill a smaller layer and stretch it across what you want to cover.

    Hope that helps.


  3. #3
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Badger's Avatar
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    The difference clouds you have to add after you Filter>Render>Clouds ... you then Filter>Render>Difference Clouds....

    By repeating the process you add more difference and gain more and more jagged splotches.... hope that also helps
    Have Pen. Will Map.
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  4. #4

  5. #5


    thanks its all in the power of the alpha channels

    paolon2Alt (Large).png

    not sure which way to go with this map
    any suggestions

    I would like to increase the line weight of the coast line and distress it

    and i am not sure how to address forests

    any help or suggestions you can give me would be greatly appreciated

    Last edited by RobA; 05-03-2008 at 03:37 PM. Reason: fixed inline image

  6. #6
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    This is coming along wonderfully!! Keep going, keep going.
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  7. #7

  8. #8
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Badger's Avatar
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    Seconds YodA's vote for hand drawn mountains. definitely the way to go
    Have Pen. Will Map.
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  9. #9
    Guild Artisan töff's Avatar
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    Post orthographic vs. birdseye

    hand drawn mountains. definitely the way to go
    I'm not picking on the map in question, but just commenting in general.

    If by "hand-drawn mountains" you mean those orthographic or semi-sideview peaks, which occur in a bazillion maps I've seen (I bring to mind the original maps in Tolkien's Middle Earth works), it's interesting to note that such features are usually the single exception to an otherwise totally birdseye-view or satellite-view map.

    I was reading an awesome book about cartographic history at a friend's house ... I don't remember the name, but I can email her ... and it mentioned the development these orthographic mountain styles specifically.

    Other elements are sometimes orthographic. Walled towns are sometimes shown from a side view, with gates visible in the walls, and towers rising from behind the walls -- in birdseye a wall is a line and you can't see a gate. Forests are sometimes shown as lots of trees with vertical trunks visible below their canopies.

    I wonder if a mapper ought to consider whether to use all-orthographic, all-birdseye, or a mix, for each project. And if it's a mix, how do you choose which element gets which style?

  10. #10


    speaking of Tolkienesk mountains

    more progress on the Mappaolon2 (Large).png

    am i moving in the right direction?

    wow this is time consuming

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