Whoops, meant to add that I've looked at some on the members here who do these maps, but am unsure if they are all CC3 or have PS or GIMP touch up / reworks etc. Just trying to get a handle on what software does what that ya all are using thanks V
Can someone give me the fast and dirty on what CC3 (this is campaign cartographer correct) is or point me to a link here. does this do world level mapping or dungeon level mapping, both? Thanks V
Whoops, meant to add that I've looked at some on the members here who do these maps, but am unsure if they are all CC3 or have PS or GIMP touch up / reworks etc. Just trying to get a handle on what software does what that ya all are using thanks V
CC3 stands for Campaign cartographer 3 and is a mapping program from profantasy.com (head over to their site and have a look). There are numerous programs in the CC3 family. First yo uhave to buy CC3, that let you create overland maps. You can then buy the addons like City Designer 3 (CD3) that let you make city maps, Dungeon Designer 3 (DD3) that let you create dungeon and floor pan maps etc. The program itself is based on the fastcad program and mainly works with vector graphics. It is a neat little program I must say, even though I like to do some touch up of my CC3 maps in photoshop.
My finished maps
Mapping Worlds (My blog about mapping)
Imaginary maps (My facbook page devoted to mapping)
Thank Clercon, added alittle rep for the info thanks
i am sorry to be both pedantic and to seem to try and control you.
"what is cc3?" conveys the same information in three words instead of the four of "cc3 what is it?"
it also sounds less like some newscaster on the television trying to hype something to catch your attention.
it's obviously my problem, not yours.. it's also a relatively new thing. two or three years ago, people used conventional sentence structure instead of placing the subject first and using an article to refer to it in its place. now, most of the forums i see are full of topics titled thusly, and it makes me wonder... trends... who joins them? sentences... who can read a whole one?
honk if you like capital letters :p
really i hope that if enough people post and protest this movement, we can save many gigabytes of forum storage space from shortened text strings.
@xoxos: you wrote 138 words to criticize @Vellum for using two more letters than were minimally necessary?
I also dont see the point of xoxos.
To add Clercom responce to the OP. CC3 is the base program of ProFantasy. It is by itself very complete and have a lot of add ons and extra styles and tools to buyand enhance the experience. I also recomend Fractal Terrains 3 from ProFantasy. It is a very powerfull terrain / world generator. The basic functinos are very easy but if you want a lot of control in the result you will have to spend a lot of time learning it.
Here is ProFantasy forum: http://forum.profantasy.com/
Here their home page: http://www.profantasy.com/
I dont hang up on this kind of things, considering my own english skills beyond the basementfloor....
Do you also wonder why you didn't phrase that as, "most of the forums I see are full of topics titled that way..." rather than using the word, "thusly" which you likely would not do in normal conversation?
Oh, and the forum storage space is not likely to be threatened by a few extra characters, words, or even paragraphs and pages upon pages of text. If it is then the site has issues greater than just its users verbosity.
sense, it makes it.