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Thread: The Midetaphos Gathering

  1. #1
    Guild Novice Phill Devil's Avatar
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    Default The Midetaphos Gathering

    Hello, dear cartographers.
    Here I am, not asking only for a cartographer or a map, but also for a creative team!

    I've been working on the Midétaphos project for... Over 5 years.
    All alone in a really slow pace. Now, however I am working on the 1st romance taking place on the Midétaphos setting and I know it will become an international succes amongst the nerds around this world, I just know it! And this romance will be the initial step for more romances, a P&P RPG book and futurely videogames and movies.
    However I am not a cartographer. I, for some reason, can't understand the way rivers work, so need as much help as I can get when it comes to geography. Of course, I'd be very happy with someone simply helping me make my maps, but I am willing to pay anyone who makes these maps for me.

    As I said, this is the project of my life. It will involve many works, and therefore, many maps.
    So, if some of you take this request, and it gets really good. I'd like to, if you want, maintain contact and see if I can trust you enough to let all serious map-making of this project in your hands, paying you, of course, per map done.
    Also, if you choos to keep up with the project after this first map, expect me to be kind of annoying xD.

    Project Scope:
    Midétaphos is a fantasy world, that in wich, in the first romance, is like the typical medieval fantasy you see out there. There will be, however, romances in a futuristic midetaphos, with cars, guns, computers and maybe even spaceships.
    Midétaphos is a world created by the only 3 surviving Kalasir after the end of the world that have recieved from The Maker the power to rearange what was left on the world they lived in.
    They created 4 worlds, and one of them was Midétaphos wich by then was half the size of Earth. They populated the world with angels and other minor creatures, but then something unexpected happened.
    A meteor of pure chaos hitted Midétaphos. A part of the meteor broke, giving origin to the world of the demons, but most of the meteor united with the planet, doubling it's size!
    After the colision, humans and elves were spontaniously born, and the kalasir, scared as they were, brought death to all creatures in the world that were not angels. But these new creatures were stubborn and started reproducing themselves.
    The kalasir then, put the world in quarentine, and created another planet, where the souls of the dead would be trapt , never to infect the other worlds with it's chaocity.
    By the time of the 1st novel, the world is mainly controlled by humans on the west and by elves on the east. That is, within the limits of the known world.

    Maps needed:
    For Now I need a world map on the actual geography of Midétaphos, and a political map concerning the known world.

    Geo-political descryption:
    Just as much of our maps are centralized in Europe, Midetaphos should have most of it's maps centralized in Caedaphos.
    Caedaphos is an archipelago of various islands surrouding a main island just above the northern tropical line (considering that this world has the same astronomical proportions as Earth). Caedaphos' main island should have it's area size close to the Iberian Peninsula's. There is also a gigantic volcano at the middle of it, beeing around 20000 feet tall and occupying an area bigger than New York City's.
    At the west of caedaphos there is the continent of Vortheim, divided in 4 parts: A big and icy region to the north, a small line of earth conecting the northern area with the sorthern area (like central america), the big southern parn with lots of mountains and big lakes in it, and a big peninsula invasind the south pole's ice.
    At the southeast of Caedaphos there's Veinia. A continent that looks mor like south america and africa. Not many plateaus, only a fir ammout so it's not weird. Some lakes and dense forests, until you get closer to the souther tropical line, and gets to the Sahamat Desert. The greatest desert in the world. This desert is surrounded by small savannah-like areas.
    Further to the south there's also a peninsula that conects to Vortheim's on the south pole.
    At the east of veinia, however, there's a great ammout of mountains taller than the Everest that the Kalasir created to prevent the chaos from etering their world in vain.
    At the north of Veinia and Caedaphos, there's yet another archipelago, with less islands, but the main island having a very irregular form and a size apoximated to Autralia's. This is the archipelago of Bei-Hong, And even though having the main island as big as Australia, a big perfectly circular lake occupies 50% of the island. And this lake is surrounded by very tall mountains (around 15000 I believe).
    And more than that, well, Idk what to put on the other side of Veinia's mountains! Another continent perhaps?

    Early designs and other descryptions:
    Image Climate.png
    I have the early ideas for the Vortheim continent and a world map that I "made" on Fractal Terrains
    They're on the attachments. I would like to mix the characteristics of both Vortheim continents (the most western one on the Fractal Terrains map). And through my other descryption I guess what I want to mix .
    Those 3 islands on the fractal terrains map should be the Caedaphos Archipealgo. I didn't like them much, tough.
    And the mountains dividint the Veinia continent in half should be a lot more rough.
    Also, I forgot to design the Bei-Hong Islands xD. Any format is good really, but the form of a 4 pointed star with 4 other islands making the other points of the star would be epic.
    Also... I don't like the land>water proportion. I'd preffer this proportion to be more like earth!

    Style, quality and size:
    The world map is only for refference. It doesn't need much detail, but it has got to be... big. Really big. 2500 minimun height
    The map of the known world, I am looking for something in the style of the ancient era/medieval era. highlighting the Caedaphos Empire. I will however, only discuss what is the known world after seeing the world map done. But I do intend on printing it (1 meter x Y meters) and I'd preffer it to be a bitmap image, so I can put the cities anywhere I want.

    Time Constrains:
    Take your time. Making these maps will involve a lot of work and discussion.

    I'd preffer not to register it yet. I futurally will be, registering it, but for now, let's just keep this map for ourselves . When the 1st novel is released all the proper credits will be given to the cartographer and it may use the map on his portfolio after that.

    I will pay R$50,00 (50 BRL) through paypal for the world map, but the payment for the other map depends on the selling of the 1st novel.
    And 50 BRL is a lot of money! So it better be good u.u

    email / windows live messenger: (windows live messenger contacting preffered).
    skype: phill.devil.2
    Last edited by Phill Devil; 11-05-2012 at 05:14 PM.

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