New to this site, and came across it while looking for a map for the Godsmouth Heresy. I'm curious, what program did you use to make this map? I'm interested in making maps like this, and I like the way this looks. Thanks!
This is the map for Godsmouth Heresy, a Level 1 adventure for Pathfinder. Although I've only started working on this map I thought I'd go ahead and post what I've done so far to at least put it here as a placeholder. I should be done with the map within the week and hopefully someone else will find it useful.
UPDATED: I've completed the basic map, now its just a matter of detailing the dungeon. The "S" designates secret doors which I'll go back and replace with wall tiles. I welcome any suggestions - Thanks!
Last edited by l8knight; 12-28-2012 at 03:55 PM.
New to this site, and came across it while looking for a map for the Godsmouth Heresy. I'm curious, what program did you use to make this map? I'm interested in making maps like this, and I like the way this looks. Thanks!
I can't answer for l8knight's personal pipeline process, but typically GIMP or Photoshop are popular packages. I'm familiar with the Photoshop techniques, which uses manipulation of the layers, placing things above/below each other and the creation of layer masks to reveal/hide areas. This is essentially for the floor plans of an environment. Using Layer Styles in photoshop can give you the bevel/drop shadow/inner or outer glows, and manipulating them to get the desired effect is more art than technique.
After that, the placing of deco images or graphical artifacts to populate the areas gives it the rounded feel and the impression that things are going on. You can make these yourself, just with simple shapes or a quick, small 2D top down image of what you want. You don't have to be a great artist to do this, just any form of representation of the object players could quickly assume is a certain object, like a brown square with grey straps across the top and a key hole shape at the bottom can give the impression it's a chest.
I'd have to definitely take a look at some tutorials for using Photoshop then. My wife uses it to touch up photos and such, but I've never played with it, myself. Looking at his map, I wasn't sure if he used something like that, or another map drawing program, like CC3 or Dundjinni. For now, I think something like those would be along the lines of what I'm looking for, although learning how to use PS or even GIMP wouldn't be too bad.