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Thread: [WIP] Arvaen

  1. #1

    Wip [WIP] Arvaen

    So I've decided to try my hand at mapping for the second time for a campaign setting I'm working on for my gaming group. I've used the Ascension Atlas Style Revised tutorial with a few tweak here and there to give it the look I wanted. Mainly, I have a few extra layers of watercolor brushing for the ocean and landmasses to give them a bit more texture and variety in coloring. I also added some contour lines, and gave the map a color overlay for a slightly more aged look. The "border" is actually to show where the players will be puling it out of a frame, so the part covered didn't age as much.

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    Last edited by Tyrwan; 08-06-2013 at 05:53 PM. Reason: Cleaned up the aging/border.

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