nice and quite unusual style! Is it entirely done in photoshop? (Oups i didn't even read the end of the post where you explain you use paintshop pro shame on me!)
Your attachement is ok, no problem in seeing it
Here's the story behind my map. My 6 year old daughter and I like to go exploring around the city, finding little spots that aren't well known. She then begins to make up stories which I gladly elaborate on (thus the silly names like 'unicorn forest'... girls, sheesh). I thought it would be cool to map out the areas we have discovered. I use Google Earth to find the area and to use as a template for scale and landscape positioning. Everything is just where it actually is in real life, just 'mapped up'.I did change the old broken train car with old broken wagons however.
A big thanks to Bogie for the freebies (trees/bridges/houses) as well as a couple of deviantart artists for the borrowed sketches of the unicorn and troll. I used paint shop pro (my poison of choice) along with some sketching filters and techniques to give it a more sketchy look.
This is my first time using this forum so I hope I attached the pic right...
nice and quite unusual style! Is it entirely done in photoshop? (Oups i didn't even read the end of the post where you explain you use paintshop pro shame on me!)
Your attachement is ok, no problem in seeing it
Last edited by Francissimo; 05-28-2014 at 05:43 AM.
Thanks, I'm still working on finding my 'style'. Originally I made the map to look like this:
But since I'm not using it in a game I thought I'd play with it and give it a more sketchy/comic look.
I like it. Even more I like the story behind it.
Love the sketchy style and colours - great job jugabyte.
Nicely done. Did you create a brush special for the trees or is that all freehand?
I really like the 'sketchy' style. The border, title, and troll/unicorn artwork are really nice touches, but I think the sketch version is more appealing because of the lower color saturation. More subtle...more better.
Nice map
on instagram at cuin_the_cartographer
I actually used this tree provided by Bogie:
Garden Preset_bg.png
I didn't even feel like it was necessary for me to use more than one kind of tree, I just rotated and resized it all over, and changed some hues.
Yeah, it was a bit to bright and vibrant for me as well Cuin, I felt like the sketch version toned it down to a more pleasing level.
Thanks for the encouragement guys, I look forward to progressing and getting better and better.
I think this tree was created by Darkness in 2004. The particular version you are using was modified (recoloured) by Heruca in 2005 from the base Darkness tree.