I have been having similar issues. Although things have been a little quicker today.
I am curious if the site is undergoing some changes or something. After the '502 bad gateway' problem the other week I have been experiencing really long page load/refresh times. It took me about 6-8 minutes to login and get to the forums just to post this question.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
I have been having similar issues. Although things have been a little quicker today.
on instagram at cuin_the_cartographer
A lot of people online at the same time.
Right now, we are 538 on the site, but only 5 of us are members (connected). That's roughly 1 %.
The 99% includes other unconnected members, visitors and other people/machine.
Whatever the cause, the guild currently is snail No. 1 among the websites that I use.
Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project
I also have the same problem. I get "Page not Found" about 50% of the pages I load here. I've found when it happens, if I wait 10 minutes, it clears up, but then after about 3 or 4 pages, it starts again.
Well, after a bit of time I can say that isn't regular and consistent. Last few days have been much better with load/refresh times.
What can you do.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Not for me. It took me seven tries and over 20 minutes to get here to say that it's still slow.
Its often slow for me but today / tonight its not too bad from here. Maybe you can try a web proxy to get the pages which would take you through a different set of routers and probably bypass the issue your having. If you dont know about them then google for "web proxy".
EDIT: probably not related in this particular case but note that today/tomorrow is net neutrality slow down day.
Last edited by Redrobes; 09-09-2014 at 08:00 PM.
This is still a problem for me. At least one out of every four pages I load gives "Unable to display this page" error. It is very frustrating when trying to post something, and annoying the rest of the time. Any idea what's causing it? I don't have problems with any other website like this.
This is a major and constant battle for me! I get
This page can’t be displayed
on 3 out of every 5 pages I try to load on CG, by actual count over the past 2 weeks. Once it starts, no pages will load for approximately 4-5 minutes, then things are back to normal for a few minutes, then it starts again.
This happens ONLY on CG, nowhere else.
I really think you need to talk to your webhost support people and find out why this is happening. It makes using the CG website miserable, and if others are experiencing the same when they come here, they could very well be so turned off that they don't bother to return. I know that if I can't find pages, can't post, lose what I've typed 3 times of out of 5, and no one cares enough to figure out why, I won't stay much longer either.