So I am running a roll20 campaign and want to provide some custom dungeons/castles... The problem is that I don't know how to gimp good, so I spent the last few days reading tutorials.
This was my first try at a keep's ground level:
Not pretty, but not too terrible. Just... not the style I am aiming for (Also, can't seem to find good objects that match the style).
So I tried a second thing:
This is more inspired on what I saw from]this and]this.
One thing I would love to get some help/input is how to make my walls thinner. I used 1 square walls inside but it doesn't look too hot, but I can't think on a way to do it with just a line without losing internal space on the rooms.
I tried this, but still losing internal space and feels weird with the grid:
Also, any other tip is welcome. As you can see, I don't know how to do DOORS yet Or how to actually put symbols for stairs and etc.
Last edited by coredump; 09-11-2014 at 04:48 AM.
THE COREDUMP from The Tyranid Hive?
and you JUST joined, too?
Well, if it's really you, BWAHAHAHAHAAA! Welcome, mang!
As for Gimp, I haven't had that kind of patience lately to draw from scratch. So I've been using YeOldMapMaker - The RPG GameMaster's best friend! to get some quick small map pieces down, then I stitch them together using gimp. It's got a pretty quick learning curve. It's a pretty good basic program to get the map down in a not-very-pretty way.
Anyway - it's a good start
Talk to you soon!
Not the same coredump, but now I at least know where to find whoever uses my nickname around
Thanks for the program tip, I will check it out.
Aww, too bad, Tyranid hive Coredump is good peoples.
...err, not that you aren't, you know, uh. good peoples... I mean I'm sure you are good peoples, err, unless you aren't... not that I think you aren't, I'm mean...
Well then, new site, new Coredump. As I'm new here myself, not a whole lot of validity to it, but welcome anyway.