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Thread: Maps for Hoard of the Dragon Queen

  1. #1

    Default Maps for Hoard of the Dragon Queen

    These are my versions of the battlemaps that players would see upon first entering the village of Greenest. I made them with the idea that the players would enter the village via the little road in the NW corner of the Greenest map (you'll have to look in the module for that one).

    This is where they'd enter town (from the west end of the map), and would kick off the "Seek the Keep" intro mission. Note that in the official adventure, the party enters the town just as the sun has set, so that's why it's a little dark. In my adventure, the villagers entered the map from the road leading north, ran across the street, and kinda put their backs to the wall of the house in the southeast corner of the map. And while the official adventure stated that none of the raiders had managed to get any of the houses burning, I thought it'd be a little more suspenseful if half the village was being burnt to the ground.


  2. #2


    Here's a follow-up map that is technically about a block south and east of the first one. This was just a map for a random encounter (which fortunately came at the end of the first session, so I had time to prepare the map for the 2nd).


  3. #3


    This should be the party's logical path to the keep at the center of the village. I'll be switching up the encounter a bit, and actually putting a dozen or more bad guys that the party will have to fight through (and adding another dozen behind them when they start to get close to the keep doors).


  4. #4


    At this point I'm working on maps for the missions the players can do after establishing a bit of a base camp in the keep. I'll try to crank those out over the next couple weeks. The first mission they'd undoubtedly run is "The Old Tunnel". Here's my version of that map:


  5. #5
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    More Great Maps, but did you have to burn my houses????

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
    More Great Maps, but did you have to burn my houses????
    LOL! Bogie, you gave me an idea. I think I shall immortalize you (however briefly) in my campaign. I think next session my players are going to have a brief run in with an NPC: Bogie, the town carpenter. Maybe he'll offer to buy the party an ale for every kobold or cultist they hunt down. Punishment for burning down his houses.

  7. #7


    Great Stuff Torgaard! Really great detail and shadowing!

  8. #8


    Really nice work. Very clean and usable. Is the path to the keep leading downhill or is that just the effect of the light sources?

  9. #9
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected TheRedEpic's Avatar
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    Portland. OR


    Nice stuff!

  10. #10


    That shading is on point! Well done (No pun intended, but it happened anyways)

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