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Thread: Undermountain style Maps

  1. #1

    Default Undermountain style Maps


    Me and my friends are trully deeply in love with Undermountain (AD&D). We are playing it for years.
    And I would like to know if there is someone who is able to make a map for levels 4 to 7 .

    Payment is negotiable.


    I like full color maps with detailed rooms similar to this. This is the level 2 of Undermountain. The numbers on the rooms are not needed.

    Quality & Size:

    I'd like quality enough so I can print it like in this picture (for scale):

    I will have the right to use the image for commercial purposes, the artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio but not to exploit it for commercial gain.
    But All I want is to play with my friends, just that.

    Contact Details:

    I can be reached at zackrpg (at) hotmail (dot) com

    If someone is interested, contact me so we can go through the details.

    Thank you very much.

  2. #2


    Has this request been taken?

  3. #3


    I'm interested in this as well. What i really need to ask is the best FREE cartogrphy product to use to create maps in the UM color scheme. Even better if one is available and the tilesets are already created.

    My current plans are to redo my favorite product geomorphs and make both crisp blue-white old styles and UM colored. I'm wanting something easy to snap together rather than free-handing.

    Examples of work done anyone??

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