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Thread: [WiP First map] From HoMM3 editor to photo-realistic map

  1. #1
    Guild Applicant
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Warsaw, Poland

    Default [WiP First map] From HoMM3 editor to photo-realistic map

    Thanks to wonderful work of RobA, Arsheesh and others and despite lack of artistic prowess I made my first map from scratch. It still needs labels, legend, frame and some fixes but I wanted to share it and kindly ask for pointers - what should I work on first?

    Before that I only made my maps from game editors HoMM3/Age of Wonders (they are also in the folder for comparison). It was just map of realm, but when I got the hang of Gimp, I tried to make terrain for whole continent, but add cities and POI to just part of it.

    I mostly showcase this to thank this amazing community - thanks to you and some dedication I made some graphic that I'm proud of - the last time was when I was in primary school.

    Maps are here

  2. #2
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    What a nice start at your mapmaking career There are lots of things that one could comment on, but for a first effort, it's really quite good. I think if you keep reading the tutorials around here, you will just get better and better.

    There is a thread in General Discussion on some of the simple ways you can make your map more realistic, and there are tutorials on where to put rivers, and so on, so just keep going

    And have some rep for your first map post!

  3. #3
    Guild Applicant
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Warsaw, Poland


    Thank you. I will try to improve - maybe I will make next one smaller not with any particular use in mind, just for fun.

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