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Thread: city market

  1. #1

    Wip city market

    Here is something I have been working on. I used a few houses I found on Dundjinni, but eventually will make my own. I have 3 that are mine. You probably can tell because their perspective is a little off. This is kind of low res but the full res, you can see stuff in the gutters like dead rats, and things. The hardest part is to get different cobblestones to mesh up. I put a lot of different grunge stain layers, rocks and debris. Overall I am happy with it. I will probably start on an actual whole city map, then will make a few more battle maps for different situations. Battle maps are challenging to find assets and make them blend with the right contrast and lighting. But my biggest challenge so far for world maps and city maps is finding a style that I like and making it unique to me without getting frustrated and giving up.

    city market.jpg

  2. #2
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    No need to get frustrated, just try different things until you find what you like doing This is a nice start! If you continue with it, I'll look forward to seeing where it goes. If not, that's ok too, I'll look forward to whatever else you decide to try out

  3. #3
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Nov 2009
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


    The perfect place for brawling! Er... shopping. I mean shopping. For weapons. To brawl with.

    I always really appreciate it when people take the time to dirty up their maps. I mean, what market is going to be clean? If you can share a higher res version I'd love to see it. I did spot one dirty rat though. I think.


  4. #4


    Thanks for the positive comments. Here is a higher res version. I will tweak some of the rubble layer a little and will eventually make all of the houses. I do like the larger houses but really want to push myself to make all major assets in my maps. city map high res.jpg

  5. #5


    Here is a new project I started yesterday. This is the start of a fort. It is still in the very rough stages. Grass, dirt layers are just quickly thrown down. I usually do about 2-3 different layers of each type and then blend them. I will add debris, stones, etc. This is just the rough shape and basic blocking. So far it has taken about 8 hours. Each brick is a separate layer. I will collapse them later as there are over 2k layers as is and it is slowing my machine right down. I will add merlons to each wall and tower. I did them for one small gate tower.

    I don't think that I will pave the courtyard. I kind of like it as dirt. towerhighres test3.jpg
    Last edited by zeichen; 04-18-2015 at 07:30 AM.

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