Not meaning to be harsh, but the best answer I can give is 'google'
Does anyone have a high resolution old paper texture that is good for map making. Something I can put into PS and make transparent to give the map an oldmap feeling.
this is my map, zoomed in the texture looks horrible.
Not meaning to be harsh, but the best answer I can give is 'google'
It's fine. at least it wasn't written with attitude. I was just curious if anyone here used certain ones or had thier own high res one.
I have a small collection of parchment and paper textures that I have collected from various "free textures" websites, so I second the thought ... just do some google searches until you find a few you like. You can also combine them (with each other, with color layers, or with other types of textures) in photoshop or gimp to give new looks.
This is my result from finding some. I need to find the right settings so that the green and blue of the water and land show a bit more. also. Is it better for cities to be displayed by thier size? Or just symbols?
I try to make my own. It's not easy but then there are no rights issues when I use them.
What layer property are you using for the water and land? I use multiply most often for that sort of thing.
I might use more than one layer set to multiply as well.
I would add that I would consider using a different font, at least for some of the labeling. It looks really busy and not so easy to read with that font.
I know the font looks cool - I've tried using it myself but it just isn't a good font for smaller text areas.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Yeah, Ive also used a font called Treasure Map Deadhand.
Are there any you recommend, and what are the PS layer styles you use most often? maybe I can give them a try.
Brinia - I use 1550 a lot. It's 100% free to use, even commercially. It looks old but is still simple and clean.
I try to save the swash heavy fonts for titles and such. You can find 1550 here -
There are lots of really good free fonts on Dafont. A good amount of historical ones.
Here are some other nice 100% free fonts...
Augusta -
Offenbacher -
Roman antique -
Old style -
Regarding layers - didn't want there to be any confusion.
I'm not talking about 'layer styles'. Those are different. I'm talking about layer blend properties like normal, multiply, overlay, etc.
I often use multiply for standard to dark color and soft light for highlights, if I'm using something other than normal.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Ah, that's what I was doing with 3 different paper textures to get the result I had -
I'll have to try each one of those fonts out. Thanks.
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