Ooh, very life-like. Had this been a challenge here this would certainly be a strong contender.
Hello everybody!
With a few friends we decide to have a little challenge: Do a map of a determined place with the exact same scale and localisation.
We decided to do a map of Sion, a little city in Switzerland.
As some of the players in the contest are working in GIS (including me) we used various data for our maps. On this WIP i used data from OpenstreetMap, a 30M digital elevation model of Europe and analyse the aerial view to gain information on land use (wood, crops..).
Next step will be to draw some icons to place bus stop, shops ect..
I worked with QGIS, Illustrator and Photoshop on this one. feedbacks are welcome if you have advices on how to improve the map
Ps: if some of you would like to join the contest i can send you the bounding box of the map
My Fantasy maps : http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=4205
Website: http://francoisgueydon.jimdo.com/fantasy/
Ooh, very life-like. Had this been a challenge here this would certainly be a strong contender.
Thanks for the rep arsheesh! I think we'll try to post the results of our contest on the forum, this will be fun to see various perceptions of one city.
My Fantasy maps : http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=4205
Website: http://francoisgueydon.jimdo.com/fantasy/
Very nice even if I can't see that well. Its me not you folks
That would certainly be interesting. Excellent work Francissimo! I really enjoy your own "satellite view" style of maps.By Francissimo
I think we'll try to post the results of our contest on the forum, this will be fun to see various perceptions of one city.
Thanks guys! I admit i'm in my confort zone with that "satellite view" type of map Ilanthari should try some space map like yours someday, they are inspiring.
Update version, the basemap is almost finished so this time i work on icons and labels. Still not sure about the font for the roads yet, so playing with various ones
Last edited by Francissimo; 05-15-2015 at 02:12 PM.
My Fantasy maps : http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=4205
Website: http://francoisgueydon.jimdo.com/fantasy/
final update before the end of the map, this time i work on borders, other icons, a legend, north & scale.
My Fantasy maps : http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=4205
Website: http://francoisgueydon.jimdo.com/fantasy/
It's looking great Francissimo! I really like how you manage the forests and reliefs. The valley view is very well rendered.