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Thread: October Entry: District Change

  1. #1
    Guild Adept Notsonoble's Avatar
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    Wip October Entry: District Change

    First I'm not sure this concept is a legal entry for the challenge, if it isn't... somebody say so and I'll think of something else...

    Second, this first post is REALLY REALLY early in what I'm thinking of doing (infact, I'm not entirely sure I've got the plan purely flushed out yet )

    My idea is going to be that area where "the market" and the nicer residential district kinda meet in a better of town... cobblestone streets, lighting (un-added at this point)... and a mixture of grouped housing and largish estates... for some sections I'm using the shape as a land plot, and some I'm using the whole shape for a larger building...

    I'm fairly slow at this, but I'll try to update my WIP as I go, and if the few maps both of areas and of individual buildings are any way to judge time... I'll probably be really close to the deadline.
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  2. #2

    Post You can make it legal

    I think, if you added gated walls surrounding that housing complex, then it would still qualify in the structure shapes determined by the outline map.

    In its current state, with the structure shape converted into a landscaped yard, I think it does stretch outside the rules of the challenge. Just add low walls at the outer edge of the structure, and this would be perfectly "legal".

    I think the "CL's" should clarify this, however.

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  3. #3
    Professional Artist mmmmmpig's Avatar
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    I like the idea behind this one as well. I think that if you really formalized the edges of each main polygon (like GP mentioned) it should follow within the feel of the challenge, but again, I too agree that this is a decision for the CL's
    Something witty and pithy

  4. #4


    1. Use the B&W layout below to map an area in a settlement using your own style.
    2. Try to convey some of the character of the place you are mapping. You can choose any genre, and any size settlement.
    3. You must stick to the fundamental plan as far as possible and the layout must be recognizable in your entry.

    I cant see anything wrong with this. Your settlement uses the different shapes as delineated territories\districts. The genre might be a little fanciful but the plan certainly makes the original layout recognizable. The geomorph is still there. As long as you preserve and make the delineation meaningful ....


    Shows imagination.
    Last edited by Sigurd; 10-03-2008 at 02:21 AM.

  5. #5
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    I'm going to say, based on the challenge requirements, that as long as the settlement's initial areas are definable, there isn't any reason why any one of those areas couldn't be a fenced off park or walled garden. ? Unless another CL disagrees with me... Or I'm overruled .... I believe that is perfectly in sticking with the challenge.

    I say .. way to think outside the box!! .... no pun intended!
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  6. #6
    Guild Adept Notsonoble's Avatar
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    slow but sure I'm getting somewhere...

    I'm hoping I haven't bit off more than I can chew... I've still got to finish Pythoness House maps for the Halloween game...

    I'm trying to do simple and learning a lot as I go... whether I'm ready for the deadline or not I'll have built some experience to do my city overview maps when I'm ready to start on them for my personal setting!
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  7. #7
    Professional Artist mmmmmpig's Avatar
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    Seems to be fleshing out more. Keep at it!
    Something witty and pithy

  8. #8


    I really like the style on the blue houses. Did you create those yourself?

  9. #9
    Guild Adept Notsonoble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonwolf View Post
    I really like the style on the blue houses. Did you create those yourself?
    Yeah, and I'm liking it more than the basic 2-shade style you see in the red and pink houses... as I go I'll be re-doing all of those... I'm trying to find a way to do hedge/bushes as one of the section boarders right now...

  10. #10
    Guild Adept Notsonoble's Avatar
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    I sort of have a hedge working for the larger estate grouping, and some more houses done (the little yellow ones below the all blue estate and brown large warehouse are getting changed).
    Edit: Updated image.
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    Last edited by Notsonoble; 10-21-2008 at 07:26 PM.

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