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Thread: Map is too dark (Ascension Atlas Style Map GIMP Tutorial)

  1. #1

    Default Map is too dark (Ascension Atlas Style Map GIMP Tutorial)

    So I followed the GIMP tutorial and pretty much have a finished product, besides some names and finishing touches (it's just supposed to be a snapshot of a part of the world, not a full map). However my map came out much darker than I think it should have. The only thing I know I didn't do correctly was step 33/34 because I liked the color I already had, I hope that doesn't change much.

    I'm really just looking for a way to make it brighter, unless anyone knows exactly where I went wrong.


  2. #2
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    to dark in what ?

    when printed on paper?
    in gimp ?
    a thumbnail in your unknown Window Manager / Desktop Manager ?
    in a unknown Web browser ?

    are other things dark ?
    if so adjust the brightness on your monitor

    if only this one image
    just adjust it's brightness

    in gimp
    Color / "brightness / contrast "
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

    --- Penguin power!!! ---

  3. #3


    Sorry, just in gimp. I haven't printed it yet, but just looking at it as opposed to some of the pictures of what it should look like, it seems way to dark. Thanks!

    Edit: Brightness or contrast isn't really doing much. Just making the colors a tiny bit sharper. I'm thinking I might just have to start form scratch and see what I did wrong.
    Last edited by BatZera; 07-23-2015 at 08:56 PM.

  4. #4


    I don't use GIMP but does it have any kind of hue/saturation/lightness adjustment layer you can use on top to brighten up the whole image? That is what I would do in Photoshop.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    click on "color" then click on "brightness / contrast "
    and bump brightness by 10% or 20 %


    if you want to stretch the image from 0 to 255 ( to NORMALIZE )
    click on color then auto then Normalize

    this is assuming the current Gimp 2.8.14
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

    --- Penguin power!!! ---

  6. #6


    I upped the lightness, which worked well with the water, but with the land it says Hue-Saturation only operates on RGB color layers. Brightness/contrast options still not doing too much, and make the colors a bit washed up. I tried messing around with curves but couldn't get anything great looking.

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