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Thread: Forgotten Realms GIS: Maps of Toril from Multiple Editions

  1. #1

    Wip Forgotten Realms GIS: Maps of Toril from Multiple Editions

    Hello all,
    I'm new to the forum, but thought I'd share my first stab at a fantasy world GIS. It an ESRI ArcGIS map package FOR THE DESKTOP SOFTWARE ONLY that is available on ArcGIS Online under the title 'Forgotten_Realms_Maps.' Being more of a GIS guy than an illustrator, I chose to use Forgotten Realms maps from various editions of the game. I attempted to hold them to geographic reality and georeferenced all of the ones I'm currently using in the game I'm DMing (which is a lot- its a seafaring campaign). I added point vectors for all the settlements, cities, various ruins, etc. that are hyperlinked to city maps I've chosen from those available online. I've done a fair job of keeping scale consistent, making the GIS a great tool for not just showing players places, but tracking the party's progress in the world. Please note, that as many of the maps are from different additions, the geography of Toril has changed pretty drastically, especially during the Spellplague.
    Last edited by OrionK; 10-02-2015 at 09:52 PM.

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