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Thread: Hammerwald - My First World Map

  1. #1
    Guild Novice
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    Nov 2015
    London, UK

    Default Hammerwald - My First World Map

    Hi everyone - Although I've been an illustrator for a long time, I'm branching out into maps and diagrams. This is my first world map, made to accommodate any fantasy or historical army that a tabletop wargamer owns or can imagine. I was surprised at how long it took; mapping is quite a complex and interesting job. My PC struggled with all the text, which I perhaps foolishly did in Photoshop. In future I'll try doing all that sort of stuff in Inkscape or some other vector program, which should hopefully help!

    Edit: I forgot to mention that I obviously used a lot of real Earth areas and coastlines to generate the landmasses quickly, as I needed the map in my portfolio as soon as possible. One day when I have more time, I'll do a second version and work over all the details to make this less obvious.

    Last edited by Jason Juta; 11-29-2015 at 07:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected
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    Nov 2015


    I don't think there's even a thing I could properly criticise, the only possible nitpick I could find is, that for the artsy distinguished and in parts comicy style you went for, I don't think you did quite such a varied job in making the map interesting by depicting different biomes and areas of land.

    Apart from the hue - and then the obligatory white iteshell in the norf - all the landmasses and mountains and everything looks rather same-ey.

    The Typography, style of the banner in the center, the little dude above the windrose as well as the coats of arms though I adore!

  3. #3
    Guild Novice
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    London, UK


    Thanks Teferi, yes I agree - It could do with some differentiation in biomes. I think I also struggled between styles (realism, hand-drawn antique, comic/cartoon) because I didn't make a definite decision when starting. Good lessons to learn!

  4. #4


    This is incredible for a first time. I personally think the blend between antique and cartoon is perfect. Is there any chance you would be willing to draw maps freelance?

  5. #5
    Guild Novice
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    London, UK


    Thanks Dwalus - yes, I'm a freelance illustrator, so I'm aiming to include mapping as a service from now on!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Juta View Post
    Thanks Dwalus - yes, I'm a freelance illustrator, so I'm aiming to include mapping as a service from now on!
    That's great! If you were drawing the above map for a client, do you know how much you would charge?

  7. #7


    Very nice Job Jason, love all those sea monsters! The colors are really nice too. Bout the only piece of constructive criticism I can offer is that the border seems a bit plain in comparison with the rest of the map. Great job nonetheless.


  8. #8
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    Great map Jason!

  9. #9


    Had to chime in myself - wonderful work on this.
    All around fine map. I really like those mountain ranges.
    Your light and shadow looks great as does the land brush textures.
    And yes, the little illustrations make it even better.
    That is quite a nice first post.

    Just checked out your site - very nice work.
    Love that Alice and Caterpillar piece.
    And the Monsters and Magic wizard/demon piece too.

  10. #10
    Guild Adept Obbehobbe's Avatar
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    Helsingborg - Sweden


    Really nice, but my first impression was that the mountain ranges look like scars. Upon further inspection, I may think it looks wierd being dark (the pencil strokes) at the top of the mountain. I would like to see a variant with those strokes being very bright instead, like snow on the tops, or atleast brighter than the rest of the mountain range.
    "That sounds... incredibly complicated, but there's no doubt the result is fantastic." /Diamond

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