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Thread: Getting continent shape and size right on a flat map

  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected
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    Question Getting continent shape and size right on a flat map


    I know that any flat map is going to be distorted by virtue of being flat. What baffles me is how do I make sure that the shape I draw on my flat map is correctly distorted for the map type (in this case a completely bog standard plate caree) when I don't have a non distorted map to go from? Are there any good guides for working this out? I have a rough idea in my head how large the continents in my world are and where they are (By roughly it's like... continent sits on the equator with northernmost point just shy of the Tropic of Cancer and the southernmost extent about 53 degrees south, largest east west extent is about 5000 miles so maybe not that rough).

    I have absolutely no idea if that made sense but hopefully it did.


  2. #2


    One way to do it would be to draw the continents individually as separate pictures, drawing each one as if you were looking straight down at it (i.e as gnomonic projections). Then use map projection software to reproject the individual maps onto your full map.

    Another option would be to use a program like "Deep Paint 3D" to draw directly on the surface of a sphere. (Except that it looks like Right Hemisphere's Web site no longer exists )
    Last edited by selden; 11-28-2015 at 09:05 AM.

  3. #3
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected
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    Quote Originally Posted by selden View Post
    One way to do it would be to draw the continents individually as separate pictures, drawing each one as if you were looking straight down at it (i.e as gnomonic projections). Then use map projection software to reproject the individual maps onto your full map.

    Ooh! That's thought. I may have to try that!

    Thanks! :-)

  4. #4
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    there are two good programs for remapping
    the first one is just "eye balling it"
    it is easy to use and quick , but not very accurate

    works also on MS Windows

    ( text based -typing in the terminal only)

    there is a GUI in the form of a GIS program Qgis

    using GDAL ( "gdalwarp" ) is rather COMPLEX but very accurate
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  5. #5
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    You might try including Tissot's Indicatrix as a layer when drawing. It consists of identical circles that have been subjected to the projection so you have an idea of how much distortion there is. The attached image has Earth's coastline, a 5° graticule, and Tissot's Indicatrix as 10° spacing (30° near the poles) all in Plate Carree projection.


    I've also made a start on explaining how to create custom projections for the QuantumGIS and GDAL/OGR software which johnvanvliet mentioned:

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hai-Etlik View Post
    You might try including Tissot's Indicatrix as a layer when drawing. It consists of identical circles that have been subjected to the projection so you have an idea of how much distortion there is. The attached image has Earth's coastline, a 5° graticule, and Tissot's Indicatrix as 10° spacing (30° near the poles) all in Plate Carree projection.


    I've also made a start on explaining how to create custom projections for the QuantumGIS and GDAL/OGR software which johnvanvliet mentioned:

    Thanks! :-D That might well be helpful. :-)

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