Come on...144 levels...You have one month...
Well as I suggested this one I guess I should take part! Nothing to show just yet although I have an idea how I'm going to do it. It will probably be made in a similar style to me old Sunset Tower map.
But just so you have an idea what to expect:
Silo 18 is a place found in the novel Wool (and the two follow-up books). It is an enormous place - essentially an underground arcology, 144 levels deep, and completely self-contained. One description says that if it was built above ground, it would be taller than the tallest building currently on earth. The only way to move between each floor is via a wide, circular staircase that runs the length of the entire silo - there are no elevators.
I won't be mapping every floor - 144 is a bit much. I'll just be making a select few to go alongside a side-view of the entire complex.
Come on...144 levels...You have one month...
My Battlemaps Gallery
A lot of the floors aren't mentioned or only mentioned in passing - so I won't be going into detail on those. Also some of them are said to be built to the same design. So for example the "hub and spoke" apartment levels will all look the same - so I only need to do one of those!
I have a spreadsheet (someone else started it but I fleshed it out as I read the other books) on the detail of the floors. The scale of the thing will be the challenge.
But yes, it is super daunting.
Haven't read these books, but you've definitely got me interested, Larb. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
Hey, cool, glad to see someone trying to map an arcology ! With my failing attempt of the last year, I certainly recommend to not mapping everything... Anyway, I'll be very interested to see your steps on this.
OK I put in the silhouette and skyline. Now it's just the schematic. The quick sketch lines should give you an idea of how the map will look. Drawing it isn't going to be the main issue - I'm combing through for the first book for anything I've missed!
Also it's so long! The 144 floors are divided into equal thirds - the upper levels, the mid levels, and the down-deep. And there are some small mines that go deeper than that.
Oh - and if you can guess the city skyline - it's a novel spoiler. =P
### LATEST WIP ###
Oh, this is gonna be a nice one. I already love the smoggy, tired colors on the surface.
Moar, I demand moar!
Really interesting start! I have to confess I have no clue about the skyline, but won't ask since it's a spoiler.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"