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Thread: From deep in my hard-drive: The World-Continent of Lhem

  1. #1

    Map From deep in my hard-drive: The World-Continent of Lhem

    Map 1938x1938.jpg

    This is an old one I finished a couple of years ago. The continent was generated in Fractal Terrains and Wilbur, and the hand-painted watercolour effect was something I stumbled on in Photoshop.

    I'm not too crazy about it anymore, mostly for reasons of flavour. Lhem is meant to be a world in the midst of its industrial revolution, and this looks too generic fantasy to me. I've been working to remake a map of Lhem from scratch (well, I'm re-using the original Fractal Terrains/Wilbur data, but otherwise, all new) and I'll probably post some WIP shots as I go.

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Sunny Scotland


    Welcome to the Guild, pjrush! Nice map and thanks for sharing with us.

    My biggest criticism would be with your labelling. Perhaps the original map is bigger and therefore clearer, but I find the font hard to read in the version you posted (though I do rather like it on the bigger labels). I think you have a few problems with your rivers too. Take a peek at this thread for some tips on placing your waterways.

    I can see why you feel it has a "fantasy" feel, and the fonts and colouring probably contribute to that effect. It's quite fun to remake a map though, when you've got the basics in place, so I'll look forward to seeing your WIP thread.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  3. #3
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    I agree with CP; a bigger version would be easier to read, or pick a different font.

    I'm curious to know what that big tentacled thing is - the death throes of the Pazhatine Empire?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
    I agree with CP; a bigger version would be easier to read, or pick a different font.
    I have bigger versions, but wanted to go easy on the CMS here.

    I'm curious to know what that big tentacled thing is - the death throes of the Pazhatine Empire?
    D'oh! Of course! I've been living with it for so long, I didn't even think to explain it.

    In the skies above the plateaus claimed by the former Pazhatine Empire an enormous supernatural storm has been raging for centuries (hence the destruction of the Empire--mostly uninhabitable, frozen, washed away, etc.). The three tentacle-things are an artistic depiction of the three massive air currents (two hot, one cold) that feed the storm. The storm and the three winds are central to the cultural and religious life of nations across Lhem.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    My biggest criticism would be with your labelling.
    Agreed. Next version will be much different.

    I think you have a few problems with your rivers too.
    I'll check out that thread you mentioned; thanks!

    I recall following the tutorials at Genesis of Israh to allow Wilbur and FT3 to carve rivers based on probable erosion patterns and filling basins and so-on. The big problem--no lakes! I'm adding these by hand to the remade map, but I'm actually quite happy with the general flow of the rivers in general.

    It's hard to tell from this map but there are a lot of flatlands surrounding the central mountain plateau that rivers can meander through relatively undisturbed. And since history follows geography, I have now committed to the location and direction of some of these for story reasons and am hesitant to change them too much. Lot of room for subtle adjustments though, and your point is well-taken. Thanks!

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