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Thread: 1st time map making, request guidance on finishing touches

  1. #1

    Default 1st time map making, request guidance on finishing touches

    I've attached 2 images (one showing my current progress the other showing my notes on what still needs to be done), made it using a bunch of googled images.

    The kingdom is part of a larger unexplored continent (unexplored since i don't have any ideas if i'll add to the current map)
    colder and more mountain-y to the north east. warmer and more forests to the south west.

    This map is part of the world i am creating, for a possible book (which would be my first) i am thinking of writing.

    please contact me if you would like to help me.

    Thank you
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Guild Apprentice
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Nice start!

    What kind of input are you looking for, esthetics or mostly placement of stuff?

  3. #3


    i've pretty much been copy pasting everything in the map, trying to place things before i forget (i've got terrible memory), so yes the input is a bit of everything.

    i want less mundane more unique... if that makes sense.... the placement of where what should be is there but things like the feifdom border lines, cliffs and beaches i am struggling putting in ( maybe there is a program that i can buy/download that has the standard brushes and i can just insert it in the shape and size). if i had any skill in drawing i'd do it with hand.

    i guess in short i want the map to be believable and realistic ( for a fantasy map). I did everything thus far in MS Paint.

  4. #4


    hello everyone, i've played around with my map and want some opinions.


  5. #5
    Guild Apprentice
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    Feb 2016



    I think it would make a big difference if you could vary the symbols a bit, especially the trees and forest-symbols at the bottom. Even if you have a limited set of symbols, maybe it wouldn't be too much hassle to change the sizes a bit, maybe flip some of them horizontally? Also, when I squint, I feel like the forest-symbols are too large.

    I miss rivers and roads! Mountain passes are cool, and there is a hint of them already, but I think it would be brought forward by roads going through them.

    The setting is cool, I think. I really like the highland plateaus in the center and the west. Having the capital there, very defensible, instead of at the coast for example, invokes a feeling of a land shaped by wars, past or present. Also with the desert to the north and the deep forests to the south. Very evocative.

    Unless it is a part of the fantasy setting that the sea is more dangerous than rich, with more monsters than fish, for example, i would really like to see a couple of towns on the coast, since both fishing and trading over sea would be so important for a coastal land.

  6. #6


    trying to make it so there are cliffs up the entire coast ( think like the cliffs of Dover) and a beach at the bottom... the idea is that the major trade route from south to north runs through the capital in the center. i am going to add more forest/mountain symbols and no roads on the maps but trades routes instead, rivers and mountain passes are on their way. any suggestions where i can find brushes aside from google would be appreciated

  7. #7
    Guild Artisan
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    Paris & Berlin


    If you want to go for realistic (as opposed to symbolic) then you'll have to try hand drawing.
    If you want to show cliffs for instance, there are no symbols that'd do it correctly.
    I would say that at this stage your map looks more like a collection of stamped symbols (tree clumps and mountain brushes) than a realistic looking continent.
    Especially the mountains rarely do what you show - mountains are created in ranges (e.g long thin relatively straight structures) and not in circles or squares.

    Just parse some of the work here (for example in the finished map thread) to see how people do more or less realistic maps and then take your pick at a style you like best.

  8. #8


    This is my 2nd attempt and wondering if someone could please just add rivers to my map (and see if i made any mistakes).
    Deostra upload 2.jpg

  9. #9
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    To do rivers just remember two things, shortest path to the lowest point (the sea generally) and always downhill. If you kind of imagine a path a person would walk down hill just draw that trial, and of course look for the easiest path which means joining up to bigger rivers when you can provided there isn't something in the way.

  10. #10


    hahahaha i understand those part it's the actual drawing of them that i suck at, when i draw them they just look like cracks, but thanks for the advice Falconius

    FUN FACT in the african savanna rivers can actually dissapear underground only to resurface a few kilometers further down

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