Dalmatia <3 The Croat in me approves
### Latest WIP ### MAP #12 - Dalmatia
The country of Dalmatia
With the fall of the empire, centuries ago, and the subsequent invasion of barbaic tribes, the indigenous people where forced into the highlands and mountains along the eastern part of the country. These barbaric tribes (only barbaric to the indigenous people) now control the coastal area which are far more developed and have extensive trade with regional neighbors. There are inland trade routes as well, but continue to be raided along the steep mountain passes heading east and require additional protections.
Their border to the west is filled with rugged mountain with vary few mountain passes into the country of Chick Pea. A seedy and underground trade practice takes place along this edge of the country, where local tribes control small areas and are constently at war with each other over the limited resources.
Their southern neighbor GLS is a good trading partners (at least in the Daimatian's eyes) and past treaties have been generally observed.
Their neighbor to the north MAX's LAND has disputed territory in the isolated, mountainous, northeastern area, that is often an area of feuding. Although this area is rugged, it's many natural resources makes it a prized possession. The north eastern border area is under better governance with Max's border towns and trade has been easier there (at times.)
Sea Trade and fishing are the largest industry with multiple city port along the coastline. There are no natural barriers, like islands off the coast, to break the large waves from the seasonal western storms which pound the coast and cause great damage to some of these low lying areas, particularly in the southern end. Silver mining and lapis lazuli are prized resources located in the mountain regions, while Farm land and forests are scattered from the coastal area to the mountains and provide good soil for agriculture and lumber.
Dalmatia <3 The Croat in me approves
I'm allergic to pollen! - Amaranthus hypochondriacus
Hooray, you're on the map!
I've got some additions to make to that big map.
I think I might need a break-away colony that has formed an alliance with Max.
I feel like i started Max off on the wrong side with my Fromage war
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The land of GLS (currently untitled as you may have guessed ) will definitely be keeping a close eye on its trading partner...
Looking forward to your map and continued trading partner, my neighbor up north (MAX) closes down for the winter and makes me go through the Cold rugged mountains or south to your land, so I'd like to keep good relations with you, But at what cost? I guess I'll find out!
I guess you will... And what of our mysterious shared neighbour ChickPea? What secrets may her lands hold?
I should be posting a WIP at some point soon.
### Latest WIP ### MAP #12 - Dalmatia
Linework for mountains, outline of forest, roads, rivers and major cities and kingdoms. Hopefully get to spend some time this weekend on it. Comments welcome.12_Dalmatia1 .jpg
Looking really good so far, great color scheme! The brightest red is a bit too strong perhaps, would look better in a more muted and dark color if those cities need to look different from the orange-brown ones.
Fantastic start snodsy! Looking forward to see how it unfolds
Looks like you're off to a great start snodsy.
Like the color choices.
The problem with a thin serif font - hard to see over land features like mountains.
You may have to use some stroke, as the glow doesn't seem quite enough.
Oh, and some text is beneath city dots.
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