Sounds like what you want is Hexographer:
Hi everyone, this is my first post on this site.
I am looking around for a mapping software that suits my needs. I am thinking about something simple, like the old hexagonals for wilderness with like triangles for mountains, etc.
Am not into the cartoony stuff out there but want to start with something like the old 1E D&D if at all possible! Have no experience in any mapping software, but I did look at the sticky and am still lost in the mapping jungles....
Any leads or suggestions? Thanks in advance,
Sounds like what you want is Hexographer:
Bryan Ray, visual effects artist
Thanks, this is exactly what I am looking for to get started! Do you use this program? Sounds like I will need to get a new computer, to get JAVA for it. Am using a Chromebook now but it does not work with Java.
Thanks for the information!
Nope, I've never used it, but it sounded like exactly what you were after. Can't help with the Java issue, though!
Bryan Ray, visual effects artist
the chrome OS dosn not come with Oracle JAVA
But OpenJDK ( the GPL'ed fork of the CLOSED source Oracle java ) and be installed installed
-- anyone remember the sun java ( official java ) and the MICROSOFT ONLY "visual java" WAR!!!!
it is back AGAIN
but this time with Oracle and the open source community
The chrome os is not a windows based but a linux variant , Android .
a bit old
KEEP IN MIND!!!!! you are using a ARM cpu and NOT a intell/amd x86
the closed source and ?? iffy java
Last edited by johnvanvliet; 05-11-2016 at 04:43 PM.
--- 90 seconds to Midnight ---
--- Penguin power!!! ---
Fantastic Mapper is accepting people for its beta testing
Plus you can do quite a lot with Maptool. Although your problem there would be printing it out, if you wanted to use it anywhere else.