Looking good JPS! Liking the higher resolution.!
Mapped with Campaign Cartographer 3+
Scale 1"=5' PNG Format at 300 DPI
(I finally got cc3+ set up to save and now I can do 300 DPI Maps and not just 72 DPI)
A Small Nobel Estate. Two story main house with a basement
Family crypt and a beautiful courtyard
surrounded by a decorate watergarden and faux drawbridge.
Full Downlaod available at http://jpstodwftexas.deviantart.com/...of-3-611252993
The Wayward Traveler
Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild
Looking good JPS! Liking the higher resolution.!
My Battlemaps Gallery http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=3407
Thank you Bogie....
Sent Paizo a proposal about making 300 DPI Battle Maps for their product line now that I can do 300 DPI maps. Have not heard back yet..Thinking about pitching same to WOTC for the older Maps.
The Wayward Traveler
Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild
I'd guess that Paizo's maps are probably designed at 300 DPI, or better, even though they don't distribute them at those resolutions. If you extract images from their PDFs, you'll find that the ones from their Flip Mat and Map Pack series are 150 DPI. The ones from the adventure path series range all over, because they get squished down to whatever resolution they have to be in order to fit on the page. For example, Fort Rannick from the Rise of the Runelords AP came out at something like 10.5 DPI, and if you actually printed it out at battlemap scale it'd be something like 10x8 feet.
I think there are a few guild members who've done work for Paizo. They can probably tell you what resolution the company works with usually.
I am pitching a Product line that re-produces their Copy right Maps at 300 DPI 1"=5' scale battle maps.....specifically designed for VTT and digital display. Users won't have to "extract" them or Self Scale them..Currently No one can sale them...we can only except donations. Several people have been doing this for years. But we can't Just make them and charge. If it comes through I will do both grid and no grid versions. Plan is to keep the cost down to around $5. No Information other than just the Maps...as close to Original Cartography as possible.
Many people have asked for just "structural" maps so they can add art work latter in program.
The Wayward Traveler
Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild
The Wayward Traveler
Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild
Here is how I show my Maps...using Laptop and 50 inch LED TV..
I use Windows Picture Viewer (picture 1)
Then I select actual Size...( picture 2)
An actual size playing area (picture 3)
and then if Needed I scale the pic (picture 4)
otherwise I simply scroll around the Map to show where Pcs currently are (picture 5)
The Wayward Traveler
Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild
And here is a Cut and Paste using the same technique from a Paizo PDF
First opened in Windows photo Viewer
Then Scaled..
Which do you like better a CC3+ scaled map or the Paizo cut and paste?
The Wayward Traveler
Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild
Nice!! Congratulations!