Nice start! For an arid area I'm assuming you want a desert?
For hand drawn maps I like to watch Quest Atlas. Here's a video from him for desert:
Hi there this is my first basic of Bosti ( sorry about the scan i'll try to tidy that up on the next stage)
Okay I need some help here, how can I define How arid or deadly an area is?, Is this best via Colour? or just skulls?, (as I'm not sure that Is the way to go for an in game type thing, skulls prehaps)
How can you designate how rich in resources an area is for example Oil, metals, or crystals? or how stormy / windy it is?
I would be grateful for any help
Oh dang it the scanner cut of the side.... okay ill need to fix that.
Thank you
Last edited by Zanzos; 06-29-2016 at 12:10 PM.
Nice start! For an arid area I'm assuming you want a desert?
For hand drawn maps I like to watch Quest Atlas. Here's a video from him for desert:
So I've cleaned up the map in PS, and started on the wastes, also note the middle sea band now links up better.
Update on my project
Hi I have hit a snag how should you represent fungoid forests?
Mushrooms! There are pointy ones that look like pine trees, spindly ones that look like umbrellas, poofy ones that looks like deciduous trees, and so on.
so i could just make the Forrest more sparse?, with the three types?
It shouldn't take too many different mushroom types to make a workable forest with that style. The three general types were in reference to the generally used tree types in forest maps: conifer, jungle, and deciduous. You would, of course, need a few (or perhaps many) instances of each kind that look somewhat different.
That is some great advice thank you, ill nock up some sketches, I hope I can count on criticism for them.