First of all, thanks in advance for even considering this!

I need some mountain and river placements for my fantastical RPG setting. My preconceptions of what the geography SHOULD be like are getting in the way and making me indecisive, and I'd really like some more educated input on its general geographical landscape: river, desert, mountain, and hill placements.

This map doesn't need to be pretty or fancy or anything, but I would like full rights to the "final" all the same to avoid any problems. You don't have to color it, name or label any features or regions and you don't have to place countries or whatever. Other than that, you can go absolutely wild.

This is a huge continent on an earthlike world of similar (although not necessarily the same) size. It's about 25% larger than mainland Eurasia in total land area and equivalent in climate from Russia in the far north to Indochina in the far south. I've attached its coastline below. Any more continents, should they exist, are on the opposite hemisphere and are very unimportant.

I also have a PNG version of the landscape.

new map.jpg