That looks more like rock than snow at the moment to me. I like the plateau though. That should certainly limit the avenues of attack.
Hmm this month challenge idea is about defending a keep located on a plateau. I decided to make it a winter campaign and Brian the Foul will comand a horde of orcs and humans.
The first WiP just shows my first idea of the setup, I placed a tent of the attackers for a scale reference, though I am not sure if I have to scale the thent down a bit more.
Anyways I think I will need quite a few steps to complete this, so this should be fun to watch evoling
As always I hope for some C&C
Ah well and I messed up the title... please change it to December Entry: The March of Brian the Foul
### Latest WIP ###
My Map Challenge Entries
I use GIMP for all my maps.
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That looks more like rock than snow at the moment to me. I like the plateau though. That should certainly limit the avenues of attack.
I love the black and white feel, and the contrast (I hope you keep it) and I love the name too. With such a great name, I hope you work it into the map. 'Brian the Foul' . For me the name conjures up a comedic anti-hero. I hope this is a map which doesn't take itself too seriously...
Fixed the title.
-Rob A>
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I think maybe it needs a bit of a blue tint to show off the snow and/or ice, unless it's just a light covering of snow over rock.
Looking forward to seeing your next update.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
I am not yet finished with the snow overlay for the mountain, though my plans are too add snow mostly to the plateaus and ofc to the buildings.
thanksthough I didnt plan to add to much comedy to it
thanks, I fumbled it
@joćo paulo
the vegetation is missing yet, and the difference between a moonlike and a mountainlike landscape is often the vegetation. Keep an eye on the improvements and tell me if it improves in your eyes
I really hope I will make some nice advancements this weekend, as I had no time to do something the last three days![]()
My Map Challenge Entries
I use GIMP for all my maps.
GIMP scripts and plug-ins overview
Everything I post on this site uses the Creative Common Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license. Only exception to this are any pyhton scripts which use the GPL.
If you are using any of my posted stuff just use your rep stick on me
Should you be interested in using anything I posted on commercial purpose drop me a pm.
Ok, I started to work on the small town.
I thought it is maybe easier to cut off some parts for the WiPs, so its laoding faster for you.
Its just a small update, but it should give you a feeling about the defenders.
Please note, that the snow will be added at the end, when everything else is done.
### Latest WIP ###
My Map Challenge Entries
I use GIMP for all my maps.
GIMP scripts and plug-ins overview
Everything I post on this site uses the Creative Common Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license. Only exception to this are any pyhton scripts which use the GPL.
If you are using any of my posted stuff just use your rep stick on me
Should you be interested in using anything I posted on commercial purpose drop me a pm.
Hmm atm I dont have much time on my hands to work on anything I want to :/
So this is just a small update again, I am getting close to finish the village under siege. Gonna call it Nordheim.
### Latest WIP ###
My Map Challenge Entries
I use GIMP for all my maps.
GIMP scripts and plug-ins overview
Everything I post on this site uses the Creative Common Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license. Only exception to this are any pyhton scripts which use the GPL.
If you are using any of my posted stuff just use your rep stick on me
Should you be interested in using anything I posted on commercial purpose drop me a pm.
Lookin' good so far! At this rate, you should be done by end of month. Are those tiny skulls I see on some of your buildings?
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