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Thread: Hobby Game Designer looking for artist for worldmap! =)

  1. #1

    Map Hobby Game Designer looking for artist for worldmap! =)

    Hello everybody! Im new to this forum and joined because Im looking for someone who for some Money or other compensation would be willing to create a good-looking and inspiring worldmap for my game. I already have a mockup if you will which I attached below. I used a World map generator as the Foundation and then took to paint, Photoshop, gimp and other such programs to do what I could...Its not pretty but it contains the World in which my game is set. I would be open to Changes to make it more believable but its set in a World without seasons, the weather and day/night cycles remain fairly static in all regions of the World.

    Thanks and looking forward to what might come of this!

    EDIT: After Reading through the Readme for requesting work I thought I might drop some of my thoughts here to clarify my vision for this Project. First of, this Project will never be a Commercial Product. My only intention is to make the best looking and most fun Roleplaying game for me and my friends. All of the artwork that will be in the book when I send it to the printers will either covered under a Fair-Use-License or the public domain. As of now, im still using licensed placeholder art to help with my layout work.

    To be absolutely clear: I will not distribute or print my work without replacing the art that is licensed.

    With that out of the way, I am open to any requests regarding how we can work together on this project. If someone wants to become a part of the Creation of this game and get fully credited (and possibly get a Hardcover copy at some Point) I could see us work together on this map and possibly for future maps for the supplementary book(s) that cover the World in which my game is set.

    The other alternative would be a straight up Commission, I would still be happy to discuss the Project and be up for dramatic Changes if given good reasons. But in the end it would be a payed service. You get Money, I get map!

    ABOUT THE GAME: Heroes of Old is in many ways a Classic/generic high fantasy setting, inspired from Tolkien, warhammer, DnD, World of Warcraft and other fantasy settings with which I grew up and have invested alot of time in. Im a novelist and a geek for language and much like Tolkien, love to spend time with languages. In my World setting the first language "Runespeak" is a fully functional language and I use it liberally when I roleplay as dwarves to my players satisfaction.

    Here is an excerpt from the Creation mythos of this World:

    "In the beginning, there was emptiness, a vacuum without melody or shape. Nothing dwelt there, nor had anything ever dwelt there.
    Then, there was a dream. It was the dream of the creator “Hashut, Aftha oodih ardaa” or “father over all” as he would later be known in Verda.
    In Hashut’s dream a melody took shape, and from this melody beings of unimaginable beauty emerged. These beings danced to the melody of Hashut and in their steps a world took shape.
    It was a world of an open sky, vast oceans, forests, mountains; wind, fire, earth and water. It was a world of light and darkness, of powers that were meant to be. And in it, a race of creators - architects of thought who would forever watch over this world.
    This was the dream of Hashut the creator, and as such, it came to be.
    These architects walked the world they had created, each representing a fragment of Hashut’s dream. Verda they named this world and they saw to it that the world remained pristine, aligned with the dream of Hashut.

    But something happened. A great tidal wave of raw magical energies flowed into Verda, and the landscape, as well as the architects who dwelt there became warped, twisted by magic. Those architects who had remained mostly unchanged continued to tend to Verda, restoring what had been so suddenly ravaged. Others had changed to the point that they no longer shared the same vision of Verda as that of Hashut’s dream. These architects would change to such a degree, both physically and mentally that they became the very first independent inhabitants of Verda.
    This was the beginning of the first age, the age of creation."

    It then goes on with the creation of the mortal races and Everything that leads to it being a playable setting. If any of you talented people would want to be a part of this in any way, let me know! A disclaimer though, im not rich by any stretch of the imagination so even if I wanted it, I would not be able to straight up Commission all the maps I will need for the rulebook and its supplemnetary books. THis World map will be featured in both the rulebook and World setting supplment so it I am willing to pay for.

    In the future I will need maps over dungeon layouts and cities of the World. (at the moment I use historical drawings of medieval cities and other such sources.

    I dont mind an open conversation in this thread but to those who wish for private conversation you can Contact me through any of the following methods:

    Skype: Goatrek90
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Goatrek; 01-24-2017 at 04:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Hi, welcome to the Guild. I've moved your post to the mapmaking requests area of the forum. Might be worth your time taking a read through the post I've linked to below. It outlines the information our artists need to consider your request

    Hope you can find someone to work with.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    Hi, welcome to the Guild. I've moved your post to the mapmaking requests area of the forum. Might be worth your time taking a read through the post I've linked to below. It outlines the information our artists need to consider your request

    Hope you can find someone to work with.
    Thanks! Will do

  4. #4
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Greg's Avatar
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    South West England


    Hi Goatrek,

    You've done a pretty nice job with the world generator and your tweaks, especially in the lovely overall continent shapes,ypu and just by looking at the place names and the brief description you've got there, it sounds like an interesting lore-filled world.

    Unfortunately you can't access the PM system until you've had 5 posts, so it may be a good idea to include an email contact.

    Otherwise, I may be potentially interested in helping out. Here are a few examples of my work:

    Feel free to email me at: gshipp[at]lostinmaps[dot]co[dot]uk

    Thanks, and all the best with finding the right cartogpraher for you.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by GLS View Post
    Hi Goatrek,

    You've done a pretty nice job with the world generator and your tweaks, especially in the lovely overall continent shapes,ypu and just by looking at the place names and the brief description you've got there, it sounds like an interesting lore-filled world.

    Unfortunately you can't access the PM system until you've had 5 posts, so it may be a good idea to include an email contact.

    Otherwise, I may be potentially interested in helping out. Here are a few examples of my work:

    Feel free to email me at: gshipp[at]lostinmaps[dot]co[dot]uk

    Thanks, and all the best with finding the right cartogpraher for you.

    Thanks for the suggestion, I added Contact information in my post. Im off to work now but Im looking forward to become part of your Community here and get some fun collabs going.

    A question Before I leave though, what would be the best way to illustrate pre-set dungeon layouts in the game World? Not on the World map but on separate map designs.

    They will be tied to a game mechanic called World challenges. These exist as static and preset challenges that any players can attempt in their own version of the game World when their characters are strong enough. Each world challenge will get a couple of pages in a supplement book and need to give a DM all he/she needs to run these challenges to a Group. In other Words, exact encounter need to be marked out on the map and possible multi-tiered Buildings need to be properly illustrated. Pre-determined loot tables and bosses will also need to be illustrated/listed.

    These are just some musings for open discussion but they are problems I will need to solve...
    Last edited by Goatrek; 01-24-2017 at 05:36 PM.

  6. #6
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
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    The Netherlands


    Hey Jonathan,

    I might be interested in this project. You can have a look at my portfolio to get an impression of my work and if you are interested you can contact me at info [at] danielsmaps [dot] com.

    I hope to hear from you soon.

    Last edited by DanielHasenbos; 01-24-2017 at 05:29 AM.

  7. #7


    Hey Goatrek

    You have done already pretty nice map there. I may be interested in this project too as a commission.

    You can see my style in my latest work here.
    And other maps in my profile.

    Would you like to discuss more, please send me an email.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
    Hey Goatrek

    You have done already pretty nice map there. I may be interested in this project too as a commission.

    You can see my style in my latest work here.
    And other maps in my profile.

    Would you like to discuss more, please send me an email.
    My account is brand new so I cannot access the PM functionality. Grrr! Would you mind taking the conversation to my Email or Skype? You can find the information to each in the bottom of my initial post.

    I really love your style, its exactly what I envisioned for my World map! The colouring, 3-d detailing and easy-to-read names contrasts or how you say are all on spot.

  9. #9


    Thanks for all the shown interest people, im both flattered and impressed by your (may I say our?) Community here. As I explained in some of my Email correspondence I will need a few Days to sort out all Communication. The limits on my new account makes it a Little bit more difficult as well.

    As of now, Voolf's example in his latest work was perfect for my World map. So if I can work something out with him/her that would be perfect. But this Project will need many more maps. Take the dungeons/World challenges in the game for example (heres what I said to GLS over E-mail);

    "Imagine the feel/design akin to that of World of Warcraft's in-game maps but with more information. On the map I will need marks of some sort which shows enemy encounters and the exact nature of that encounter. Lets say for example that in a specific corridor there will Always be 2 dwarves and 1 guard hound. That would probably be indicated with 2 of one mark and 1 of Another mark. These marks can then be reference on a separate document to see their name, stats etc.

    Each World Challenge entry/dungeon in the book will be composed of several pages that include, map, encounters, lore, loot."

    Example map from World of Warcraft.

    Here's a work-in-progress story/descrption for one of these World challenges, it is very much inspired from Black Rock Depths from World of warcraft, a vast dungeon with many bosses and cool atmosphere: This is part working notes and part story, so excuse the weird choppy Writing.

    "The forges of Hamshez is the greatest foundry Verda has ever seen. Built and occupied by the Dark Iron dwarves, it is situated north of the desertlands of Nemlokh. This great foundry has fed many armies with weapons and armor (on both sides) of many conflicts throughout the last 500 years, making the dark iron dwarves a very rich people indeed. They have no allies among the other mortal races and serve no one but their own god “The voice of the mountain.” Outsiders know little of this being other than that it is rumoured to be some sort of self-proclaimed god, a being of pure fire and iron.

    For the past 500 years the dark iron dwarves have kept to themselves, working their precious mountain and creating valuable and powerful items. In later years however, they have started to expand in search of materials for their forges. Caravans have been destroyed; merchants and diplomats have systematically gone missing with little trace close to what was once seen as peaceful lands.
    The evidence is adding up and it seems as if the greed and arrogance of the dark iron dwarves have driven them to acts of outright aggression. They no longer serve as a neutral power in central Verda, they are on the advance and soon enough, other races will have to pledge their allegiance to the voice of the mountain..."

    These lorebits are supposed to be included in the World challenge entries in this supplementary book. To give incentive and cool story for heroes to investigate these places and hopefully clear them out. Completing one of these World challenges will also alter the in-game World in meaningful ways, at the very least in the area surrounding the challenge. So that players on larger Campaigns have a good amount of pre-generated meaningful lategame content in their version of the World.
    Last edited by Goatrek; 01-24-2017 at 08:21 PM.

  10. #10



    I have found a mapmaker for my World, see this thread:

    I also found a mapmaker for my dungeons and similar places. That person is GLS here on the forums.

    I might need a customized character sheet that fits the game's aesthetics. Ie, an A4 that is meant to hold all character information and be easily printed for Quick reference during game sessions. For examples google "Dnd character sheet"

    Have a good one everybody

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