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Thread: Private Maps requested for a birthday present

  1. #1

    Default Private Maps requested for a birthday present

    Hello everyone. My wife and I have been running a world in our weekly DnD/Pathfinder for over 13 years. Over time this world has become our primary setting for almost all of our games, and our players are desperate for better maps. In the weekly sessions we have started sort of a large cataclysmic event that will force us to change some of the landmasses up a bit, and also expand into new areas. 13 years and the setting was getting a bit stale. My wife's birthday is coming up in a month or so, and I thought it might make a great present for her if I found a way to get a couple of maps done for the major continents, and perhaps an overall world map.

    Here are some details:


    These are the two major continents in vague detail of what we are going to do. There might be some changes done to the northern continent, but the south one is pretty much set in stone, except for that massive isthmus like thing. That is probably going to be broken up into a chain of islands/small landmasses. The northern one will likely be broken up a bit as well. and moved a bit west. I'm looking to get it sized well enough that it can print on a single sheet of paper with enough quality that it can be easily read. Not just for her, but for the players as well. My wife works in a print shop and I'd love a resolution well enough that we could print poster sized with decent quality, but that I'm probably dreaming up.

    We have EXTENSIVE labeling notes for towns, countries, etc etc... However with the landmasses being reformed after this whole cataclysm we are currently in the process of naming some of the new features. So... politically there is no problem with names. Just a few blank spaces geographically. This is also a good chance for artists to do a little artistic license. We haven't set the exact landmasses in stone yet. So feel free to add new rivers, lakes, and etc etc... Lord knows I could use a bit of help in my understanding of climatology anyway. I'll be sure to send information on anything that needs to be a certain way, and if you want even point out the areas where you can go wild and play.

    I don't really have any time constraints. The players aren't even going to see the full effect on the world for another two or three months anyway. I'd like to get 'something' for my wife by the end of February, but honestly just letting her know I'm getting the maps done by something other than myself would be a pleasure for her.

    As for style, she is extremely fond of these sorts of maps:

    Though knowing what I know, I imagine these styles are time-consuming as all heck, and it may be pretty unreasonable to ask for free/cheap for something like this. I'm more than willing to shoot down my expectations quite a notch. Personally, I like the antique styles I see around. Even a well hand-drawn one just photoshopped to look old would work if that's all I can get. Fit's the setting better in my opinion anyway. She just has high standards. LOL

    I work as a substitute teacher, so I'm not rolling in the dough. I can't promise to pay anyone's rent with this. I honestly am not sure exactly what the going rate for Fantasy Cartography is. So feel free to let me know what you expect for the work I'm asking for. Though I won't lie, cheaper is better for us. If someone who is just looking for some interesting practice wants to give it a go, great. I'd love to work with someone looking to refine their talents. Also, like I said before, we have no time constraints. So even if you want to peck at this for no more than 5 minutes a day for the next month or two, I'm fine with that.

    Also, just to point out, this is not, nor will it ever be a public published work. We are going to make copies for our players. We also will be putting them into our own setting book (which equates to about 300 pages of campaign setting data, hand drawn maps, all bound together at Kinko's), and maybe putting them into campaign booklets here or there (she and I make these like 12ish page booklets we staple together for each story arc).

    I do not mind if the artist keeps copyrights. I do not mind if they want to use it for portfolios (actually, I encourage it!). The only thing I ask is that if you do plan to post the finished map online or use it in some other fashion you change/remove the setting specific information like the names of the continents, cities, etc etc.... It's nothing against anyone. I just want to keep the setting we built private is all. Other than that be my guest.

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Hi, and welcome to the Guild. As a new member, you can't use the site's messaging system until you've made five posts (an anti-spam measure), therefore you might want to provide an email address so that people can contact you. Alternatively, leave a few comments elsewhere to get your total up to five.

    Hope you're able to find someone to work with.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  3. #3
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Angers, France


    Hi themadpoet,

    I'd like to work with you on this map project.

    You can judge my skills here, here and here.

    And here's a link to my DA page with my finished maps.

    If you're willing to work with me, shoot me a mail so we can discuss more. Here's my contact : thomrey[at]hotmail[dot]com


    Last edited by ThomasR; 01-26-2017 at 01:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Hey there, sounds like an interesting project.
    Feel free to take a look at my portfolio here, my last commission here, and my latest map here:

    If you are interested in my services, please feel free to contact me at wolfmaster [at] gmx [dot] net

    Kindest regards,
    Last edited by Wired; 01-26-2017 at 12:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    The Netherlands


    Hey themadpoet,

    I might be interested in this project. You can have a look at my portfolio to get an impression of my work and if you are interested you can contact me at info [at] danielsmaps [dot] com.

    I hope to hear from you soon.


  6. #6
    Guild Adept AntonioFrade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Ferrol, Coruña, Spain, Earth, Solar System


    Hey themadpoet,

    I could be interested in the project. Here you have some samples of my latest works::

    Let me know if you are interested in my services. You can reach me at: info -at- versakestudio -dot- com


    Antonio Frade

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