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Thread: Hi Everybody

  1. #1

    Default Hi Everybody

    Hi everyone,

    I've recently stumbled across the guild, and I'm excited to learn how to make some maps. Not artistic by any means, but wanna give it a shot. I've always like maps, as the only art work i've wanted in my house are trees or maps (wife sadly doesn't agree on either). Recently started DMing for my DnD 5e group and want to try my hand at creating some small dungeons. I've downloaded GIMP, and I'm slowly picking my way through some of the tutorials.

    Any suggestions on good ones would be much appreciated. Thanks for the time, and information in advanced.

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Hi, and welcome! I'm glad you've found us and hope you can find some useful information here. It sounds like you've already discovered the Tutorials section. I suspect that many of the tutorials are more for regional mapping, rather than dungeon maps, but no doubt working through a few will teach you some skills that you use elsewhere. Something else to consider, perhaps, is taking a look at Inkscape, a free vector program. Although I've never actually done it, I think it would be easy and really quick to bang out some basic dungeon maps with this software, even if you only used it for layout and turned to Gimp to make them pretty. Turn on the grid with snapping, and start clicking with the bezier tool! (Sorry, but I am such an Inkscape fangirl!! )

    If you're stuck with something, we've got a forum area dedicated to dungeon mapping, so start a thread and ask away. There are a lot of dungeon mappers round these parts, so I'm sure someone will be able to help.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

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