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Thread: The realm of Voith - A Cave Map WIP

  1. #1

    Default The realm of Voith - A Cave Map WIP

    Hello again fellow cartographers!

    I finally got around and sketched a rough layout for a cave map I had planned for a few weeks now.
    The whole thing goes quite deep and is enormous (the biggest room measuring several kilometers in length).
    It's set in a fantasy-world and inhabited by a subterranean species, that's partly intelligent. (you want more detail? ask xD It's not relevant for the map though)

    Anyway back to the map itself:

    I would love to convert the whole map into an isometric view but I'm not sure how to work with all those floors when I want it all to be on one map.
    Another problem is the size. As mentioned: It is huge, including whole cities at several points. I'm not sure how to convey that size to the viewer? Would that be necessary at all? (I'm bad with math and numbers xD so I'm not very good with scales).

    Other than that I'm open for any kinds of critique.

    Here's the sketch:

  2. #2


    Hello Tekila

    Its all looking really interesting.

    As for doing this in ISO view, I expect the only thing you can do is start by drawing a similar sketch in ISO view, from the top down, bearing in mind that some of the caves will appear to be fractionally occluded by the upper caves. This overlapping isn't a disaster. It might actually help you to illustrate that the caves are at different levels. The deeper caves could be darker, or lit with colder/bluer light (if you are using colour), while the upper caves could be brighter and lit with warmer, more orange, red or yellow light, with caves in between lit mid-grey or mauves and greens.

    Take a look around the site at maps of buildings done in ISO view and equate their rooms to the caves in your drawing. That might help a bit with the initial concept, even though your 'walls' and 'floors' are going to be considerably thicker and far less even. If you use the search facility and put caves into the search bar, then look for threads that have 'cave' in the title, you will probably come up with all kinds of ideas

  3. #3


    Late reply, but getting that isometric view to work took me longer than I expected and it also took me a whole lot of changes so I could squeeze the whole thing into the map.
    But here it is. The Crater and mountains at the top are above ground (also yes the caves are partly bigger than those mountains, that is no scaling-error).
    Also I didn't draw in the water yet. :>


    Feedback would be highly appreciated. Especially if there is anything to improve!

    Also if not obvious: This still is a work in progress. XD
    Last edited by Tekila; 03-02-2017 at 06:42 PM.

  4. #4


    This is all looking rather good now.

    I think you may be more than half way there as far as getting the ISO perspective going. To emphasis the down-ness of the passage ways you could add series of steps here and there to increase the power of the illusion?

    btw - we know this isn't finished yet because its not in the Finished Maps forum. When you really are finished you need to make a new thread with the finished map in the Finished Maps forum, and link that new thread back to this one, which will then become 'the relevant WIP thread' that you should link back to from the finished map thread

  5. #5



    Thanks so much for your help here, Mouse

    Also yeah, I wanted to add a few more details as soon as I got some feedback here concerning the overall layout etc.

  6. #6


    Okaay sorry for doubleposting (and for being inactive for so long, I worked on other projects and didn't have time to bother with this one xD), but I've come across some obstacles: There are towns in the bigger rooms of the cave (image can be found earlier in the thread)
    and I'm not sure how to depict it, because first: one of them is carved out of the ceiling of the cave.
    Second: They are relatively small in relation to the cave and I dunno how to draw them in without breaking the style of the map...
    Maybe you people here have some advice?

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