Hey guys,

I'm usually not very artistic in the sense of drawing. Even my handwriting is pretty weak like the doctors. I do however DM for DnD and we've finally got a group together to play after 3 years of absence. I wanted to create my very own map, so that every location has a quest/meaning that I had in my head.
I've scoured through the internet, watching tutorials, looking up old cartography maps and stumbled upon this forum. Very nice I must say. And the types of maps you guys create is astounding!
A lot of tips I also got from this site as well so I decided to show my very first map.

The names of places are borrowed from established Faerun maps and even some locations, but hey you have to get inspired somewhere.

Here is the black & white how of the scanner version. Still needs colorizing before I print for my players

What do you guys think?
