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Thread: Photoshop Elements as a Map-Making App?

  1. #1

    Discuss Photoshop Elements as a Map-Making App?

    Can any of you speak as to whether maps can be done in Photoshop Elements?

    I've tried to follow along in a couple of the tutorials, and usually some stuff isn't exactly as described, but I'll manage to figure it out, then all of a sudden I'll get an instruction that I can't figure out what to do with (like something about creating channels, most recently).

    It may just be I'm tired and can't think straight at the moment, but if some of you could comment about your opinion of PSE as a map-making tool, I'd appreciate it. I've looked at GIMP in the past - not for map-making, but for a different application, and it never did make a lot of sense to me. So if I can stay with PSE, I'd like to.


  2. #2
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    Photoshop Elements can certainly be used to make maps. Every paint program has a different feature set, and translating Photoshop tutorials for use with PSE isn't much different from doing it for any others.

    PSE shares a lot of common infrastructure with full Photoshop, but the user interface is focused in a different direction. PSE is also missing many features like support for high color depth images is lower, fancy color spaces like CMYK or Lab, and a channels palette.

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