Hello Cartographers Guild! My name is Justin Blanchard. I was wondering if anyone might be willing to take on a project that I've been working for some time. Currently, I'm writing a Novel set in a fantasy world that I have created. In addition to that I am working on an RPG Campaign setting that Coincides along side of it. To be fair, I'd like to start off by saying that I don't necessarily have a lot of money to work with but if arrangements are fair I'm sure that "we" could come up with something that would suit both of our needs. I'm looking for a few maps and at the moment there aren't any huge time constraints (Sooner is always better, but I understand these things take time and patience)

The first map that I would require is an overall map of the world - I have a few cities that are specific in regard to area (Placement of certain things) but other than that it would be left up to the creativity of the artist. The only thing that is important to me is that it looks professionally done, and the other maps would fit to scale. Aside from that, I'm open to any ideas you might have.

After the overall map, I would need a few maps to scale that basically zoomed in on the Kingdoms. The scaling itself overall doesn't really matter, so long as it scales with the rest of the corresponding maps. You are the professional here, you probably know much more about the appropriate scaling, than I do.

After the Kingdom(s) map(s) I would like to have a few of the Major cities mapped out. (Again to scale if possible) Only the pertinent landmarks would really be required to have names (and most of them would be up to the artists interpretation).

In regard to actual map size, I'm open in regard to that. Personally, I would love to have big, beautiful maps, but I understand there is a lot of work required in Cartography and I'm not trying to squeeze six pennies out of a nickel here. I'd just like the artwork to be representative of the project that I've poured my heart and soul into for a very long time. Having said that, I'm also not particularly fussy, most of the maps I've looked at by all of you, are nothing short of amazing, and I'm sure I would be happy with whatever you decided to create.

If this is something you would like to participate in, or are willing to do, I would be able to provide all the details necessary that would influence the map (or any questions you might have).

Thank you all very much for your time, and I appreciate your consideration. Have a great day!!

Email: JustinGuyBlanchard@Gmail.com
Twitter: DeltaJGB