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Thread: to shadow or not to shadow...

  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected CluelessCartog's Avatar
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    Western MA

    Help to shadow or not to shadow...

    i'm really stuck here. i try laying in shadows for the walls here and nothing i do really looks good. anyone have any ideas or techniques they'd care to share? do i even need shadows?

    please forgive the grass, that is just roughed in for now...
    U1 mansion ground floor_2.jpg
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  2. #2


    Could you show us a version with shadows?

    Whether you need shadows or not depends on how realistic you want to draw the whole map.
    Normally a top left light source works pretty fine.
    If you chose a more realistic approach then you should probably consider where on a world the map is located and what time and season it is. Then you could consider whether there is artificial lighting as well.
    What you could do is laying a shade over the whole interior of the building except there where sunlight would come threw the windows. But you would then also have to consider that the shade falls differently depending on whether it falls on the floor or on an elevated object.

  3. #3
    Guild Member Frost Birch's Avatar
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    Alberta, CANADA


    What program are you using to draw with?

  4. #4
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected CluelessCartog's Avatar
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    Sep 2016
    Western MA


    That would help, eh? Photoshop is what I'm using. Latest version.

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