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Thread: Need help with climate mapping

  1. #1

    Help Need help with climate mapping

    Hi everyone,
    I made this map of my fantasy/steampunk world, Urhad, using GIMP, it’s a rework of the one I posted here a few weeks ago. I’m trying to follow Geoff’s Climate Cookbook, but the details are kind of fuzzy especially around the equator, so I’d like a feedback from more experienced users on the allocation and representation of pressure zones.
    The biomes are yet to be put down since I'd like define them with some logic. I used orange to mark low pressure and purple to mark high pressure. In the post I'll include January and July maps alongside a clear one with the continent names for easier reference.

    Urhad Continents.jpgJanuary pressure.jpgJuly pressure.jpg


    • Do you treat sea at equator level as a lower or higher pressure area than the surrounding land?
    • How do you move ITCZ/STHZ/PF over land?
    • How do you deal with the sea pressure inversion after the ITCZ?
    • Do you have any suggestion on a different representation?
    • (OT) What do you think of the mountain rendering?

    Thanks in advance, constructive criticism welcome as always, feel free to ask any questions.

  2. #2


    Wow thanks for the feedback lol
    Last edited by Harkon; 07-01-2017 at 03:12 AM.

  3. #3


    Sorry Harkon - I try not to clutter up threads that are a bit too grown up for me. You are talking about things that are way over my head.

    There are, however quite a few experts in this sort of thing floating around the Guild. It's just that they may not have visited in the last few hours, that's all, and if they did, they might not have spotted your question in the General WIP forum.

    You could ask one of the Community Leaders nicely if they might kindly move your thread over to the World Building sub-forum? There are lots of conversations like this one going on over there

  4. #4
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Right, first of all I second Mouse's opinion: there's not exactly a "climate squad on stand-by" on the forums who will immediately respond to any question that arises (especially as such responses usually need to be quite detailed, and take a lot of time to write). So, you need to practice a bit of patience (which you will need, because like I mentioned, the CG forum isn't super-active, so you may have to wait days or even weeks at times, before getting a response).

    That said, there are a few tutorials on this subject:

    Pixie's tutorial

    Azelor's tutorial (which builds on Pixie's original)

  5. #5


    Oh well, I know the subject is difficult, my frustration is due to the fact that also my previous post, which wasn't as crunchy as this one since I only asked for some general feedback, was posted in the world building area of the forum and went ignored with 200+ views and no comment :-/

    Now I don't know if the map was utter ****, if there are no visitors in that area, if the subject was not interesting enough, but it's kinda frustrating since one puts effort in such things and feedback is needed to get better at anything. Even "Your map is **** for A,B,C reasons" would be something.

    Having clarified that, should I repost it in the world building forum? Or should I ask someone to move it? Thanks for the answer btw.

  6. #6


    It is always best to ignore the view count, since it includes views by visiting members of the public and all the automatic web bots that crawl all over the site all the time, day and night, and is in no way an accurate indication of how many members... much less how many relevant experts.... have visited your thread

    As I said earlier, if you ask nicely a Community Leader may assist you to move this thread across to the world building sub forum - but again, there are only so many CLs, and no one here is being paid to do anything 'to order'. We are also real people ourselves, and we all have a lot of other real world things to do - especially on a weekend - more so for those who have young families

    If you want to make friends with people and enter the true spirit of community cooperation, then its also worth considering that we also might have questions that you in turn could answer, and that answering them will undoubtedly make you more noticeable in the activity stream, and will probably draw more attention and interest to your questions in turn.

    Its like the old saying - smile, and people will smile back at you

    Have a look around at what other people are doing. You could try looking at the threads that Charerg suggested as a starting point. Get a proper feel for the way things are done around here and try to join in more generally

  7. #7
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
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    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Harkon View Post
    Oh well, I know the subject is difficult, my frustration is due to the fact that also my previous post, which wasn't as crunchy as this one since I only asked for some general feedback, was posted in the world building area of the forum and went ignored with 200+ views and no comment :-/

    Now I don't know if the map was utter ****, if there are no visitors in that area, if the subject was not interesting enough, but it's kinda frustrating since one puts effort in such things and feedback is needed to get better at anything. Even "Your map is **** for A,B,C reasons" would be something.

    Having clarified that, should I repost it in the world building forum? Or should I ask someone to move it? Thanks for the answer btw.
    I took a quick look at your prior post, and I noticed that you didn't ask any specific questions. When asking for just feedback in general, you're perhaps less likely to get an aswer, because then the person providing the feedback has to not only "provide an answer", but also "ask the question". That's why it's probably better to ask for feedback regarding specific areas you want to improve (like you did in this thread). However, I should say that there is no guarantee that you necessarily will always receive feedback. If that's the case, just be patient, keep updating your thread regularly, and eventually someone will notice/become interested.

    And yes, the Regional/World mapping is probably fequented more by posters who have experience with the kind of world building project you're doing (though again, remember that a lot of people may be on holiday, busy with their own maps, etc.). So I think you're more likely to get the kind of feedback you're looking for in that forum.

    However, first off, I'd recommend you to educate yourself by going through either Pixie's or Azelor's tutorial (not necessarily implement them fully, but read through the stuff there). That should already give you some basic knowledge, and then you're in a better position to ask for more feedback, and anyone giving the said feedback doesn't have to "start from the basics" .

    For your questions so far:


    • Do you treat sea at equator level as a lower or higher pressure area than the surrounding land?

    Depends on the season, location of the ITCZ and the oceanic currents. In general, the area around the ITCZ is always low pressure, regardless of whether it is over sea or land. However, the location of the ITCZ is affected by temperature, so a cold current would push the ITCZ towards the equator. Again, I recommend going through the tutorials, they should cover this question pretty well.

    • How do you move ITCZ/STHZ/PF over land?

    Not sure what you mean by this one. Just move it, taking into account temperature differences between regions (mountains, highlands, lowlands, cold currents, size of landmass)?

    • How do you deal with the sea pressure inversion after the ITCZ?

    Erm, by this I assume you refer to the high pressure centers that form around the 30 latitudes over ocean. Sorry if my answer is a bit poor, but you deal with them by putting them in the appropriate location . Both Azelor's and Pixie's tutorials offer good advice with the placement.

  8. #8
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    Do you treat sea at equator level as a lower or higher pressure area than the surrounding land?
    Higher because the land is hotter. But the pressure is still low over the water so the difference is small. Unless there is a cold current, as Chareng just mentioned.

    (OT) What do you think of the mountain rendering?
    It does the job at telling us where the mountains are. But all of them seems to be at the same height.

    And Mouse :
    World Building sub-forum?
    Since when do we have a worldbuilding area? Last time we tried we tried community worldbuilding, it failed miserably.
    Last edited by Azélor; 07-01-2017 at 03:45 PM.

  9. #9


    Oh I don't know, I think Guildworld is a pretty fine thing

    And sorry - Harkon, Charerg, Azelor... all. I was thinking of this forum:

    But maybe even that's the wrong one.

    Where would you start a thread like this, Azelor?

  10. #10
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Oh I don't know, I think Guildworld is a pretty fine thing

    And sorry - Harkon, Charerg, Azelor... all. I was thinking of this forum:

    But maybe even that's the wrong one.

    Where would you start a thread like this, Azelor?
    The link is titled Regional/World Mapping which focus almost entirely on maps.

    The community worldbuilding project 1 and 2 here was also about thing like climate and populating the world:

    I don't know where the best place is for that kind of project. I'd say where the others already are, wherever there are. I don't pay much attention and don't think it really matters.
    People will answer if they have time/ are interested in the topic no matter in which sub forum it is.

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