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Thread: Tree[d]

  1. #1

    Default Tree[d]

    Hi All

    I was looking for a free 3D tree modelling app (because I'm lazy that way), and came across Tree[d].

    Its very primitive, and there are all kinds of things that really aren't all that convenient about it, but if all you want is something to create a few small tree brushes for a forest or two in GIMP, for example, its not very difficult to create them using tree[d].

    The problem is that it's no longer very easy to get hold of the software, but by worming my way around a few forgotten forums and reading all the way through a YouTube comment list, I found an archived site that still seems to be functioning.

    So, for now (and I don't know for how much longer), you can get Tree[d] here:

    There's an equally crude (as in not very detailed) YouTube video here.

    Have fun

  2. #2
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    That seems neat. Nice find, I'll give it a go once I'm back from home.

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