Wilbur interprets value 0 (the blackest black available on your 16-bit grayscale range) as sea level. The first grayscale value (1) above that will show as land. If you're getting cliffs around the sea, then you're not painting the first grayscale value as your first non-sea value.
I wouldn't worry too much about the absolute numbers in the import because you probably ought to be scaling the input to get your desired values. If you're going to go with the idea of grayscale values having some real-world value (e.g. 1 gray shade difference means one meter altitude difference), then sea level would be at 0 and you can't have any subsea topography and you will have 1-meter steps in your landscape. If you go with the notion that the grayscale values are just a convenient way to show differences, then you can pick an arbitrary grayscale value to be sea level, define white as some maximum altitude, and then offset your import by -grayscaleSeaValue and scale by desiredMaxAltitude*grayscaleMaxValue/(65535-grayscaleSeaValue). Or use Mathematical>>Span to go from your minimum altitude to maximum altitude. For example, if you define grayscale value 0 (black) as -20000 meters and grayscale value 65535 as +20000 meters, then grayscale value 32767 will be sea level. After importing into Wilbur use Filter>>Mathematical>>Span with values of -20000 for low and +20000 for high to get your final altitudes. You should make sure that your import map has at least one pixel of the minimum intended grayscale value (0) and one of the maximum grayscale value (65535) if you're using span to ensure that things don't have and undesired offsets or scales.
In Wilbur, you can figure out how high that cliff is by moving your cursor from the sea area (which should be reading as 0) and just move it one pixel onto land. You can use Filter>>Mathematical>>Offset with the negative of that cliff value to push the terrain down to sea level and then use Filter>>Height Clip with a low value of -0.01 and a high value of 100000000 to get rid of things below sea level.