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Thread: The Lakelands

  1. #1

    Default The Lakelands

    Map for my novel, without the labels for 1. Copyrighty reason. and 2. I can't even do them ;D.
    The Lakelands are populated by nomadic and semi-sedentary tribes, who trade, war and spread ideas and beliefs. Inspired by Native American culture and myth. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, but of course I NEED the Guild's feedback and critique.
    I'm not sure how I can protect this with a little insignia... but that's to think about later.
    As usual, drawn with microns on paper, then scanned and colored in GIMP.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by MapMappingMapped; 02-08-2018 at 03:03 PM.

  2. #2


    My goodness! What a lot of trees you had to draw!

    I hope you manage to get your label situation resolved pretty soon. If you are trying to work out how to do the copyright symbol here is one you can borrow. Copy from right here and paste it into the text box as you type...


    (I always have to open Word and make a new one every time I need it. Most word processing apps will instantly convert "(c)" to a copyright symbol)

  3. #3


    Thanks Mouse! I guess like this would work ( I'm wondering why I chose such a silly name).
    Drawing the trees took some hellish work. I had to take a break from time to time in order not to rush on them...

  4. #4


    I don't think the Lakelands is a silly name

    And do be careful how hard you push your wrists! Its unfortunately very easy to do yourself permanent damage by overdoing stuff like this.

  5. #5


    Does anyone know of any colors that will stand out with this palette? Black just doesn't do the job... And I didn't mean the Lakelands, I meant MMM It would certainly hurt a lot more if I held my pen like any normal person. Cos I don't.
    Last edited by MapMappingMapped; 02-08-2018 at 03:22 PM.

  6. #6


    Gosh! You do ask a lot of questions! LOL!

    But its nice, in a way. Your so full of youthful energy!

    Ok. First lets just get the labels done. I would use black, or they will look odd with your map.

    When you've got them saying all the right things hide everything but the labels, make a new layer from visible, then show everything again but hide the original labels. This is so that you can work on all the labels on one single layer (the new one) while keeping the originals in reserve in case anything goes wrong.

    Then, duplicate the new labels sheet and do a Gaussian blur of about 10 on it (Filter menu), then invert the colours (colour menu) so that they are white and make sure this new blurry white label layer is below the sharp black layer.

    This should give the labels a white glow. If it isn't strong enough duplicate the blurry white labels sheet.

    There are many other ways of creating this glow, but I find this method better than the actual glow filter for some strange reason. Its more even.

    As you get more practiced and more confident with everything you could even try using different blend modes on that fuzzy white layer, like overlay, or grain merge, so that the background is more subtly affected than if you just leave it plain white.

    I hope I've described it all well enough?


    If you really don't like your name and want to change it, all you have to do is ask for help in the Technical Support forum. I think there are already a couple of threads there. Most recently Azélor changed his name from the version without the accent.

    I'd have a nice long think about what you want to change it to before you make any requests, though

  7. #7


    Thanks Mouse! I'd forgotten about that glow capacity! Labelling will take some time.
    I might just not change my name now... And I don't just ask many questions, I talk way too much too!

  8. #8


    I'm sure you don't really

    We can't learn stuff unless we ask questions.

    I had a chemistry teacher who used to come into the lab and do an experiment without any explanation right there and then. It was up to us to ask questions about what she was doing and why and take notes about it all. I asked her once why she did that, and she said it was to get us to start asking questions for ourselves, because that meant we had no choice but to observe properly, and to actually think about what we were seeing, instead of just sitting there like a load of stuffed lemons while she spoon fed us an apparently meaningless list of facts.

    So you see. I am of the school where questions are good, not annoying.

    I'm just a lot older these days, so you'll have to forgive me for being a bit slow to answer at times

  9. #9


    You could try white text with a dark fuzzy glow?

    It was the first thing I thought, but then I thought that it might look a bit too digital on your nicely hand drawn map. That's why I suggested black to start with.

    This might be worth mentioning, but another reason for using a blurred version of the text layer is that if you use an actual glow filter it becomes part of that layer. Not like the Gaussian blur layer, which can be deleted separately from the text if its wrong. Its just a minor point, since you have the original labels carefully stowed away to regenerate the text layer if a glow effect goes wrong.

  10. #10


    I'll snatch some time to do either of those... You really don't have to answer if you don't feel like it, but ofc I'm grateful that you always do!

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