Lot of contour lines, you're brave Straf! I like this start and I'm glad to see you back here.
I hope you're curing that flu properly. *Raising my glass*
Due to a number of recent disruptions I'm just trying to ease myself back into mapping. I've tried a few times but it just hasn't happened for me but I'm hoping just doing something random might get me going again. So I don't really know where this is going, or what it's about. Everything is just guidance at the moment - the contours and the rivers are merely there for my benefit so I can put terrain in place later.
I was thinking about entering this for the Jan/Feb Lite Challenge but this flu has taken me out for about 10 days and there's far too much to do in just a few days.
Hey its Straf!
Hey there
I love contour maps, even if I agree with Ilanthar that you are brave to start with one. They do take a lot of time and patience. But at least you haven't gone straight into another challenge straight off, so there's no deadline to shove you faster than you want to go.
This flu is horrible isn't it. I think you know I had two bouts myself - one at Christmas, and the other at New Year. I've only just recovered from the last one a couple of weeks ago, so I know you won't be feeling all that great for a while unfortunately.
It gets better if you don't push yourself too hard too soon
Looking forward to the rest of the map![]()
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Thanks Ilanthar. Brave because the contours take so long or brave because eventually the contours send a man crazy?
I won't be including the contours in the final map. Or at least that's not my intention. They're just there for me to try to shade and highlight the terrain.
Oh, that's pretty groovy so far.
Nice one and I'll build a temple for you because those contour lines deserve respect !
Sorry to hear about your flu woes, Straf. Hope you're back walking those country lanes soon.
I'm sorry the contour lines aren't permanent, as I kinda like them!![]()
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
Haha! Contour them groovesCheers!
Thanks Thomas, they're sure taking a lot of my time up.
Well they're all different line weights now for some reason. Oh and I made the old mistake of scaling the image down and then forgetting to undo it, so now I've got a scaled down and scaled up working document that I've resumed working on scaled up again. So it's all a little screwed up.
Wow! I'm not surprised you forgot the scaling thing. Trying to do something like that must be pretty confusing - but it is very pretty![]()
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
I still don't know what this is going to be, or what the space on the left is going to be for. I'm just drawing for the sake of drawing