Promising, and a great perspective to use! I'm eager to see how this progresses...
Noelani R'eo: stepping back in time from my previous challenge entry, Noelani R'eo is St. Jezebeth just after first contact with overseas colonizers. There will be some representations of conflict and impending conflict on the map, but it will mostly represent a tropical island, with its own differing and conflicting groups of people, just on the verge of severe colonial conflict.
To start out I took my linework from St. Jezebeth, skewed it with the perspective tool, then retraced over it for more natural and less precise coastlines, then crossreferenced my mountain representations from the previous map to construct the new illustrative maps.
### Latest WIP ###
Noelani R'eo WIP I (small).jpg
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Promising, and a great perspective to use! I'm eager to see how this progresses...
Now that was a might quick start! Great perspective and looking forwards to where you take it!![]()
The St. Jezebeth map was amazingly detailed and real-feeling; it's exciting to think about where this is going to go. About how long is the gap of time between this map and the St. Jezebeth one?
Looking great so far. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Also the story is really good. Reminds me of one of my favourite books, Gullstruck Island
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
Loving the perspective of this, along with the mountain formations. Looking forward to seeing this develop.
Progress! The colors are coming in. Who knows if it'll be done by the end of the month, but I shall continue to plug away.
### Latest WIP ###
Noelani R'eo WIP 2 (small).jpg
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I really love the layout and coloring but aren't those ships a bit huge ? Or maybe that's the intent.
The line work on this is great, and the coloring adds so much. Very nice progress.