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Thread: Azil Fort -Isle of Fren Map

  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice
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    Somerset, UK

    Post Azil Fort -Isle of Fren Map

    Hi Guys, I thought I would share the project I've been working on this weekend. Its a painting of Azil Fort which is part of my Isle of Fren Map posted a few weeks back. Totally had a blast making it, and hope you like it. Again any feedback will be gratefully received.



  2. #2
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
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    Sep 2017


    This painting is worthy of awe in my opinion! It is amazing!
    Quick question, what time period equivalent is your map set in? The painting of the fort depicts a more modern (~16th C+) and to me the map seems to be depicting an older generation simply based on the type of castle symbol used (the square tower form, although this is a common type of symbol on many maps so it may not depict the age itself).
    Edit: Too bad I have repped you too recently. You are producing too many good images too fast (just kidding)!
    Last edited by Arimel; 04-30-2018 at 03:32 AM.

  3. #3
    Guild Master Facebook Connected - JO -'s Avatar
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    Geneva, Switzerland


    I'm impressed with your talent ! That's a beatiful painting of a beautiful castle ! I love the ambiance you produced with clouds, shadows and birds !

  4. #4
    Guild Apprentice
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    Many thanks for your lovely comments Arimel and JO, they are gratefully received. In reply to your questions Arimel, Isle of Fren was conceived for a world around about the Renaissance period, so in and around the 1300's to 1600's. My map was loosely based around some images I had seen of Elizabethan maps, but appreciate that the Azil Fort Image could be seen as a more modern design. In my mind it was based on desert region monasteries and forts of old, but if you could suggest any way I could perhaps make it fit better with my time scale, then I would gratefully recieve your advise, and try my best to update my image.

    Again many thanks for your thoughts and comments, I do try to take all that is said on board, and apply these to future projects.


  5. #5
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
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    The main reason I thought that the image was of a more modern design was the texture of the castle. The color and 'feel' of the walls seems too smooth, almost a concrete texture and color, to be stone, earth, or bricks, which would have been the most common building materials in many areas (although I do not know if these norms would be present in a desert-ish climate and, seeing as this is your world, any sort of building material could possibly be available). Also, the castle does not feel like it was built for defense, seeing how the towers do not have battlements atop them. Instead they are blocked off by the roof. The positioning and size of the windows also adds to this impression to me. Now, I have not done much research into desert-built monasteries and forts so there could (and probably should) be a difference between their styles and that of Northern-Western Europe. Also, monasteries in particular would not have been built for 100% defense so it would make sense for this not to be entirely defensive in nature if that was your inspiration.

    Still, the 1300s-1600s is a time of great change in the structure and design of castles so this castle could fit in more towards the late 1600s, but it would not be as big of a defensive structure at that point, more of a palace with castle influence.
    I do see the more medieval feel in your map, 'the Isle of Fren' though. The symbols you use for the castles/forts there tend to be what I think of for the 11/1200s-1500 in Britain (although there are examples later).

    Don't get me wrong though, both the map and the image are really beautiful and I do not think that changing the colors etc. would make it any better (in fact the way the castle mirrors the other colors in the image helps it fit in much better than a gray or brick-red, etc.). I was just curious as to the actual time period of the map due to getting 2 different styles of castles represented. I did not mean this as criticism, only curiosity.
    Last edited by Arimel; 05-03-2018 at 08:01 AM.

  6. #6
    Guild Apprentice
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    Somerset, UK


    No offence taken Arimel, its great to have the sort of comments you discuss here, it makes me realise that sometimes what you have in mind would be more believable with a little more research, and is something I am starting to do. Thanks to your comments, I have plenty to think about.

    Many thanks again


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