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Thread: Endaria

  1. #1
    Guild Member AlfansosRevenge's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Georgia, USA

    Map Endaria

    I finished this map about a year ago, well before I joined the Guild. I was playing D&D for the first time and wanted to make illustrate a map for the world my friend and I created. As our first DM, I wanted to impress my players with a colorful and inspiring map of the world they'd be exploring. I ended up getting a bit lost in the process and finished the map halfway through our campaign.

    This is the first map I've ever created, and one of my first experiences with Photoshop. In hindsight, I would have liked to have spent more time detailing the ocean. It feels a bit flat and secondary, which I suppose isn't always a bad thing, but my players spent quite a bit of time sailing, so it would have been nice to add some life to that element of the map. The mountains could also use re-examination. The coloring and lighting don't really fit in with the rest of the map which leads to them drawing too much attention. All in all, I'm pretty satisfied. If anything, it's given me a great starting point for learning cartography.

    Endaria Final.png

  2. #2


    Damn, that is pretty damn nice for a first map! I'd say it's more than a good starting point. I guess I can see your point about the ocean, considering the way the campaign went, but from a purely visual standpoint the emptiness doesn't bother me. The shape of the land is cool, the rivers run as they should and it's very clear and informative - perfect for a map intended for RP.

    I guess the only thing I somewhat miss is just a bit more contrast on the piece as a whole. The colors, while pleasing, look a tad flat to me, at least on this monitor I'm currently viewing it on.

    A really kick-ass first effort, kudos sir!
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  3. #3
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Very attractive first map. Well done!
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  4. #4
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Boonsboro MD, USA


    That is a pretty awesome map, actually. I wish my first attempts had looked half as good!

  5. #5


    Good job, Alfanso, especially for a first map !
    If this one was one year ago, I'm eager to see what you can do now !

  6. #6


    Very nice map ! The colors are very well chosen and your forests have an interesting look.

  7. #7
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    The Netherlands


    Very wel drawn map, especially for a first attempt. The colours are great and the overall look of the map is very appealing!

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