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Thread: Eastern, Northern, and Southern Continents of Elmesia

  1. #1

    Wip Eastern, Northern, and Southern Continents of Elmesia

    I've been lurking the cartographer's guild on and off for quite some time now. A year or two ago I decided to make my first serious world map for the fantasy world my roleplaying partner and I made. I based the vast majority of this map off of Arsheesh's 'Eriond' tutorial. Fast forward to yesterday and I went and revisited my old map and added desert and arctic coloring, added texture to the ocean, and filled in rivers and lakes. For a first and second attempt at map-making, I think it looks pretty decent!

    With that said, I'm so mad at myself because I deleted my original height map so now I can't make changes to the landscape itself anymore without huge hassle! Particularly, the map is rather misleading because the foggy/cloudy-looking areas were actually supposed to be elevated areas and mountains... I wasn't able to figure out how to make the gradient map do exactly what I wanted to. Grumble grumble. Not sure how to fix it. I would love to hear constructive crticism, I still feel like I could make this map better! Particularly the transitions between green areas to arctic and desert areas.


    If you want to zoom in and see all the tiny details, here's the link to the full size image (imgur unfortunately reduced the quality a bit):

  2. #2


    I like your coastline and the fact that the continent obviously broke into two parts. It's a pitty you deleted your height map because I guess here you could make the most improvements. If you want to perfect this map and work on your skills some more you could use some of the tips given in these tutorials I used them myself and learned a lot. Your height map, I fear, you will need to reconstruct.

  3. #3


    Thank you! And I've seen that tutorial around, I'll have to take a close look at it sometime soon! As for the height map... Yeah. I can probably make it better the second time around anyways, though.

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