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Thread: I need Eberron Maps!

  1. #1

    Discuss I need Eberron Maps!

    What I want:
    I want any and all existing free maps from the Eberron D&D setting, or any high quality asset packs with which i can make my own. For reference, I use the asset packs offered by Venatus Maps. While the style isn't required, I'd prefer something that looks aesthetically pleasing. But anything is good.

    The continent of Khorvair, or it's nations, in the Eberron campaign setting.

    Design Concept:
    The continent of khorvair, it's nations, the capitals of it's nations, regions within it's nations, anything that could work with the setting.

    Number of maps:
    As many as I can get.

    I'm not exactly sure as I don't know much about this kind of stuff. High quality is preferred, but as long as my players can read it then it's fine.

    Any. I'm not selling this, or recording it, simply using it in my home games.

    Whenever you find one. The campaign is a ways off so any time you find one is fine.

    I don't have much money as I'm a college student, however if someone would do a high amount of maps for say $100, then that'd be fine as well.

    Bobby Douglas
    Please use subject line Eberron Map Request

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer ScottDA's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Lockport, NY


    You posted this twice?

    Have you tried a Google search? I did a quick one and found loads of Eberron images and maps. Its pretty unlikely anyone will do any free maps, and $100 is not going to get a "high amount of maps" -- that might, maybe get you one quick one. Cartography is a lot of work and takes a great deal of time. I'd try just searching the web. Good luck with your search.

  3. #3
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Well, you could also buy the Eberon campaign book. It contains several maps of the world.

  4. #4


    Just to be clear, we are not a fantasy map archive, but a hobbyist community of people who enjoy making maps for their own pleasure or for customers. So unless our members have made any Eberron maps themselves, we most likely won't have those in storage here at the Guild any more than you do. As ScottDA and Azélor pointed out, you might be better off just looking around the web or turning to the official publications.
    Last edited by Kellerica; 10-13-2018 at 01:25 PM.
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