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Thread: City Mapping: Making Buildings

  1. #1

    Default City Mapping: Making Buildings

    First post. I've done some searching, as well as looking closely at a LOT of city maps (specifically, fantasy cities).

    Is there any way, beyond drawing by hand or stylus, of populating a city map with buildings? Even if the streets aren't a perfect grid?

    Here's an example of a map I've done in Photoshop...and doing the streets and buildings took many hours. Is there a quicker way to do this?

    Shadowstone Med Res.jpg

  2. #2


    Outside of some generators you can use (like this one) to help speed things up a little, no - not really. Developing a technique you practice with a lot can help streamline or speed things up but city maps are just a lot of work in my experience.
    Last edited by Larb; 03-06-2019 at 09:56 PM.

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