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Thread: Haulilwar

  1. #1

    Default Haulilwar


    Hi everyone, this is Haulilwar another continent on the world I've been building out called Aelwydi. The place names and languages for the continent take a more Asian theme. Haulilwar is the most western continent of the world and known as the sunset lands. Living on Haulilwar you will mainly find Humans, Tabaxi, Half Elves, Elves and Dragonborn.

    The Fenghuang Empire is the largest political entity on the continent ruled over by the a half elf dynasty that wears the burning crown the empire sees it self as the phoenix that rose from the ashes of the fallen Elf empire that previously ruled the world. Realistically the Emperors are an isolated figure head that nominally rule over a chaotic band of warlords who are regularly in conflict with each other.

    To the South is Aakaasheey, a collection of small kingdoms and city states in a jungle region. The people of Aakaasheey look to the night sky and see the divine in the stars.

    It is not known for certain how dragonborn entered the world but it is known they were created during the war in heaven that lead to the down fall of the Elven empire. The desert region now know as Kuurai Gazar is where the dragonborn are said to have been created.

    Most of the monastic orders on Aelwydi are based in the north of Haulilwar in the Shijie Dingji Mountains. The final major region on the continent is Holang-i which I don't really have any lore for yet but it looks pretty cold up there!

    To see a few of the steps to make these maps you can find the WIP thread here which covers previous maps on the world too. Basically I started with the outline of Mallorca and rotated it, then built up a height map using some real world elements like the alps combined with randomly generated clouds similar to Arsheesh's Eriond tutorial here.

    Once I had the terrain map I went over to working on the parchment map using one of Mouse's parchment textures you can find on her profile. I used the height map to bump map the parchment as I still can't draw mountains. The sea texture is based on an edited version of this seamless texture from deviant art you can find here. The inserts and cityscape at the bottom were done by drawing over pictures of real world buildings such as the Red Fort in India and the Forbidden City in China.

    I think that covers everything if there are any questions or comments I'd love to hear them!

  2. #2


    Wonderful job QED, using real world elements for the height map was a great idea, the mountain ranges look fantastic. And I really dig that cool swirling sea texture in the parchment map. All around nice work.


  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
    Wonderful job QED, using real world elements for the height map was a great idea, the mountain ranges look fantastic. And I really dig that cool swirling sea texture in the parchment map. All around nice work.

    Thanks for the kind words, your comments and encouragement were invaluable in pushing me to make a much better map than I could manage on my own!

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